The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here is my baby boy.....

New Year, New Baby, New fab-family of five... You get the picture.... oh happy days!

Here is a picture of Andrew!!! This picture was taken January 1st, 2008.. he is such a sweet baby boy!!! He is really alert and a very content baby. My little man is my heart!

It has taken me a bit of time to get something else posted on this blog... Christopher Andrew Goodrich was born October 18, 2007 and then all hell broke loose with a yucky staph infection and a very tough recovery. I am still not 100%, but you wouldn't know it by looking at that chunky monkey "Andrew" or better known by his sisters-- "CHOP". He is a precious baby and thanks to the blessings of ringing in the new year and my resolution to ONLY sleep with my husband, I put the baby in his room, in his crib. Oh, it lasted till Chris hit me on the shoulder at 3:30 in the morning saying, "the baby is crying." I said, "well, go get him, just get him and bring him to me and that is all you have to do." And with that said, I received my 12 pound baby WITHOUT a pacifer... which prompted my very tired husband to mumble and go find one... yep, I must be spoiled! Well, all he wanted was to cozy himself up to my breast and go soundly to sleep till 6:45am. (Did I say lucky?!) Oh, well, I am except that my queen sized bed doesn't really hold two adults and three kids. It seems that every morning it gets smaller and smaller...

I am not complaining.. actually I'm bragging a bit. I am feeling very lucky tonight as I write this! Chris and I just celebrated our 4th anniversary (with a gorgeous dozen roses with 4 white roses added-- just beautiful!) and with three children... well, happiness is abundant in our household. I can hear laughter or get hugs and kisses within an hour's interval upon waking and retiring for the evening (some occasional night time cuddling happens too, but this is not prefered!). I am telling you.... children are a BLESSING! (Okay, when I am not being loved on with wet kisses and sticky hugs I do occasionally get a kiss or a hug from Chris... it's just that we never thought that we would have to compete for all the loving!)

Okay, Olivia and Ainsley are wonderful big sisters.... Andrew is a precious baby and just recently began smiling. I feel like all the hours of sleeplessness really tends to be paid off once you get that recognition and that beautiful smile your baby gives you. I have to tell you that his smile just warms my heart and my spirit is lifted greatly. I have to continue to enjoy every minute I am given before I return to work. I am not looking forward to it, but I do love the kids I teach and my days are filled with purpose. Hey, maybe I will lose weight.. I have to look at the bright side of things!!!
Besides, God has a reason for me to return to work. I have to admit that I miss my friends, but I will probably drive everyone crazy with talk of my children! Oh well!!

Speaking of bright things... Here is a picture of my girls taken at the Christmas parade in Robertsdale in front of my mom's shop.

They were so much fun to parade with! Of course there is GiGi holding the baby. Chris had the job of holding Olivia most of the evening so to not let her get trampled by passing horses. Ainsley loved being on the back of the pickup and as long as someone threw her beads and candy, she was just fine!

Christmas was a special day and although I have been keeping busy with the children, the season really did fly by. I can't believe that we are in the year 2008! WOW!

I will do my best to update everyone and give more information about my sweet children, but at this time I must go to bed! Tomorrow the baby sitter is coming and I am getting my hair chopped off! Oh, and I am getting Olivia's hair cut for the first time too! I will post a picture when I can!

Love to all!


Christopher Andrew Goodrich
October 18, 2007

1 comment:

Kati said...

YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! A new post! I am the WORST friend EVER!!! I got your message the other day...but it was 10 p.m. I didn't think you would appreciate a phone call. I miss miss miss you! I loved the baby the Christmas card...Mine haven't got out yet! Christmas with the basket business about killed me!
My kids go back to school tomorrow...I will have more time to focus on other things. Maybe.
I will call you tomorrow or Friday!!! Love the pictures! The girls are cuter than ever! Is that possible??? And that baby needs a good hug from me! He is too cute for words!!!!
Love ya!