The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ainsley & Andrew


Here is a picture I love... Just taken a few days ago and already a favorite of mine.... Ainsley always wants to "hold him too". So.. she did. It was funny because you couldn't take him away from her! Andrew is happy and it was a treat for Ainsley to love on her "baby CHOP"!

Today was a busy day... we looked at a house and went to visit GiGi. The girls rode the 4-wheeler with their daddy and played outside on the tire swing. It was so much fun to watch them have a ball in such beautiful weather. I can't believe we didn't take any pictures, but I am sure that we will have fond memories of these times! GiGi and PawPaw couldn't believe how much Andrew had grown since the last time they saw him (what, a week?!) He would smile for me, but wasn't interested in being very social with anyone else. Time will change that, I am sure!

uh oh, I hear the girls running around and I think one of them is upset.. I must go see what it is! (could it be that neither one has had a nap in two days!?) I love the sound of the girls shreaking and laughing and daddy saying, "I told you again, go get me another diaper if you are going to take that one off!" I will miss this when they get older, but you know, it will be so nice when we are done with diapers... umm.. 3-4 years from now?? Gee Wiz!

I am on count down for going back to work.... A week from tomorrow!! I have mixed feelings about it, but I know we all have to do what we have to do!! I am lucky to have a job to go to!!! And, the people are absolutely wonderful to work with... so, it could be worse!!

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