The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I survived the first week back to work and my nanny survived my children!!!!

It is official!! Tomorrow is Friday and work is going great! I love Daphne High School and the people I work with! I am so lucky!!!!!!!

I did miss my children... BUT... knowing they were well taken care of by Chesleigh made it sooo much better.... I really did have an easy transition back to work because of her. How could I have gotten so lucky????!!!!!!

Andrew is offically beginning to coo all the time. He is absolutely precious, minus the fact that he has removed himself from the confines of his crib back into the comfy surroundings of my bed!!!! Okay, I am not going to lie, it is so much easier to have him in bed with me when my alarm goes off at 5am.... And, well, I am a tad lazy when it comes to late nights, middle of the night, or early morning feedings... THANK YOU LORD FOR BOOBS!!!! I love nursing!!! I love how easy it is and how wonderful it is to be so close to my children!!! Ainsley has been asking for "ninny" lately, but I take her mind off of it with a bottle.. I don't think it would cause her psychological damage to nurse her, but I do consider my mental health!!! (gee whiz!!)

Olivia is always so active and so happy!!! She loves her nanny and insists on doing arts and crafts on a daily basis. She is beginning to sound out three/four letter words with me. This started this evening among the chaos of cooking dinner, the baby crying, Ainsley hanging on me, the phone ringing, and the normal noise of the cartoons on TV. She did great dispite my split attention!!! (what a trooper my oldest is!)

Ainsley is just wanting to "rock rock" and be cuddled. I hope that the little time I have to give her is keeping her feeling loved and not left out. I didn't realize how hard it would be to give each one the attention they need and still insist upon some type of organized living. (You know, dinner at a decent time, bath before too late, and clothes washed, etc...)

Chris has offically begun tax season hours and until April 15th or later, I will be taking on more responsibility to help alleviate stress from household chores. I forgot how demanding the kids could be!! The funny thing is that now I never have "time off". I am offically working a full-time job and then a full-time mommy position!! (Poor Chris only gets the last bits of my attention and if you ask me, or him for that matter, he really does get the crumbs-- crumby huh?

Well, I will must go to get Andrew to feed him before bed time... I can't believe it is already 8pm.... I am so ready to go to bed.... sad huh!???? Oh well,,, I guess it is just how it goes during this lovely special time in my life... one day I will miss all the babies and early mornings... I just count my stars and say my blessings.. because guess what?! GOD IS GOOD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.