The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Andrew is 3 months old


Oh Goodness, how time flies! He is such a sweet baby boy.. my darling "little man"! He is so loved by the girls that it isn't even funny! I am so lucky to have so much love under one roof!! He is offically in size two diapers now... I just didn't think I could squeeze him into size one any longer. What a happy time.... and so sad for me to see my baby boy get big so fast! I survived my first week back to work and enjoyed my 3-day weekend to the utmost! I am extremely happy that this is a short week, as I realize now that I am only working for the weekends and the short bursts of time I can spend with my family. Tax season is among us so unfortunately time is of quality, not quantity when it comes time to spending it as a family. Chris is busy with tax paperwork and I am busy with the children.... and the children run to the door when they hear his truck... "Daddy's home!!!" they yell and shriek as it seems as if it is forever before the dog quits barking and the girls stop singing, dancing and prancing around... and then finally... we are all together under one roof. I wish and pray that everyone can experience this in their lifetime. Sure, things are hectic, it's cold outside, the economy is nasty, and gas is expensive... but the love I have from three beautiful children and the family that Chris and I have created is so amazing. I am so thankful and blessed by God. I guess I could go on and on, but Andrew is in need of his "night cap" and I am in need of a cozy place in bed watching CSI before I drift off to sleep... (okay, 5am comes really too soon and the reality is that I won't make it through a whole CSI episode.. oh well, but life is still A-okay with me!)
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