The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Our house is on the market!!!!

Chris put the sale sign in the yard this morning!! I hope that things get rolling and we will be in a new house within this 2008 year!
I am so excited!!!
I am now more motivated than ever to clean up and clean out!!

Andrew is in his crib this morning... Two nights in a row he has slept alone! He is such a good baby! Yesterday he drank 6 oz. at one time!! I couldn't believe it! It is so hard to give him bottles during the day... I love to nurse him, but getting ready to go back to work, I figured I must get my body adjusted!! (and get him adjusted to bottles during the day!)
Olivia and Ainsley are doing great... They spent the day with their MiMi yesterday and I cleaned house. As soon as Pat came into the house, they went to get their bags to go to her house.. it is so cute!! Well, today we are having company so I must go get ready!
Happy Wednesday!

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