The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Less than 12 hours.. and Andrew will be here!!!


This picture was taken this morning by my mama..... I am huge! But I feel so beautiful pregnant though!! I love having this baby inside me and I will miss being pregnant very much. I realize that I am lucky to have had this 3rd baby... more than likely my last... although one never knows what the future brings....

I am 18 lbs heavier.. and I am 49 inches around the biggest part of my belly. I am 38 weeks, 2 days and I am going to deliver a baby in the morning that I am guessing will be around 7 lbs... maybe 7 1/2 lbs.. but I don't think any bigger. My cravings have been for sweet foods and drinks.. which has led me to gain most of my weight in the last month.... which is a good thing!! I am thankful it is only 18.... it could have been a lot worse with me being off work and being home with the girls!

Tonight we packed the girls bags and we sent them and the dog off to GG's house. Chris took me to dinner at Cooper T's... a nice resturant which we will have to go back to.. it was delicious food! I had crab cakes and he had fish... and we both came home so full we could barely move! I feel like it was (in a way) my last meal. why is it that when you know you can't eat or drink after midnight you feel like you will be deprived!? I never eat that late..or drink.. but you would think it was horrible for me! I only have a short period of time to drink now! oh no... let me go get some tea!! (haha)

I created my phone list tonight... the last thing I had to do..... so, who knows who will get called.. haha... I am sure Chris will make me proud and do what he does best!!! I have the nursery done... and my bags are packed... I feel like I am ready, even though I am a bit nervous... and the thought of no sleep for the next month is overwhelming me. I know that life will be okay though... I keep telling myself what a wonderful family I have to support me!!! The girls are excited and Olivia is too happy and excited to meet her brother... Ainsley likes to kiss the belly and rub it and say "baby". Olivia likes to ask me where "Andrew's butt is"... imagine that! Speaking of which.. baby Andrew is trying to bump his way out now!!!

Just think... before too long.. we will be a family of 5! This fabulous five is seriously out growing our house too! Chris and I are looking into getting a bigger house before too long.. but it has served us well.. and I love living here! This picture was taken by Olivia today... she asked to take pictures and we walked outside.. what a beautiful day! (too hot for October though!-- in the 80s!!!

Well, the nursery is ready.... and pictures of that are included for those that can't just stop in.... I am so blessed to have had the help of Pat to get the nursery completed! She did the bumper... and thank goodness... I could have never done that!

This picture shows you the quilt that I started for Andrew.... I ended up delivering it to a woman today to finish for me so I know it will be completed.... I really am happy that Andrew has a special little nook of a room! I love the colors of baby blue and lime green... and even though I still need artwork over the dresser, it really has come together and looks really cute!

These pictures were actually taken last month... I will take a few more in the morning just to have a picture of his room for when he comes home.. but honestly, he will be with me and Chris in our room for the first 2 months in a bassinet.. the same one his sisters used and the same one his own father was cradled in when he was just a little baby too! I am so blessed that Pat saved such a wonderful piece of Chris' childhood!

Well, we will meet little Andrew tomorrow!!

Good night!! And I will update this blog once I am able to!



Kati said...

The nursery looks AWESOME! I can't wait to see pictures of little Andrew! I hope you are doing okay! I am thinking about you every day!!!!!!!

Kati said...

are you home yet???? I wanna call...but I don't want to bug you! When would be a good time????
Love you!