The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

38 Weeks pregnant today!

Okay.. so I am up really late.. or early (which ever way you want to look at it). I am really sad because I can't sleep because I am offically counting down.... I have 4 days and 5 nights before this little ray of sunshine comes creeping into our life... okay, who am I kidding?!! It's not like I have a cruise for the next couple days! And the fact is, he is not going to creep in.. he will be pulled--- screaming--- into a world of unknown!!! Bless his heart, he already has to contend with not one, but two sisters!!!!! Actually, I can't stop thinking about all the things I want to do to prepare for his arrival, but Chris keeps saying, "stop already!". I think its just my way of nesting. I mean, here I am finding things to do at 3:30 in the morning!! At least I can say that I have a bed to go to...without KIDS!! Yep, they are both cuddled up in their beds! I wonder how they will do while I am in the hospital. They are so used to falling asleep with us... What a horrible habit we started!! But honestly, I love them with us.... I know that time is short and soon enough the thought of crawling in bed with us will be repusive! (okay, maybe not, but this is my way of dealing with no room and the kicks into the late hours of the night!)

Chris let me sleep in Saturday.... he fixed coffee... entertained the kids.. baked muffins with Olivia... boy, he just really stepped up! Not that this is entirely unusual.. it's just that my heart smiles at the thought of my husband. I am very lucky to have this family.... I know he loves me and I love him. We really have a great life and family!

I have gained 14 lbs with this baby so far.. I feel like I have gained 35 lbs.. I feel huge! Today I keep rubbing the same spot on my stomach thinking about how much I am going to miss the baby inside me. I rub and he moves a little.... and then I cringe a little with discomfort... I really am so happy and blessed to have this pregnancy. I can not believe I will have a son!!! I am still in disbelief!!!! I think that Chris is feeling really proud to have a son too. He doesn't talk much about it, I am sure it is stressful just knowing you have a wife and three kids to support, (wow, never said that or wrote that before- he has 4 people to worry about!) but he says he is happy and his actions are genuine.

The basics of our family right now--- Ainsley enjoyed the Military channel and all the airplanes on Saturday. Chris bought both the girls little toy airplanes to play with (of course Olivia lost interest in that soon after the package was opened) and Ainsley held on to hers FOREVER! She loves airplanes and it just amazes me that that child has a fascination with them. She also loves to see the moon. Each evening we have to go out and look for the moon. It has been hiding from us behind some trees, so she says that the moon "has already gone night-night". It really is funny to think that my little girl loves whatever she can spot in the sky. Don't get me wrong, she loves dolls, animals (especially the neighbor's cat), but she is really happy and gets so excited when an Airplane flies overhead... I wonder sometimes what she will be when she grows up.....a pilot? Who knows!
Olivia loves anything artistic... she is already pointing out things she wants (thanks to all the commercials on tv). Anything that deals with creativity.. paints, drawing, etc. She is absolutely amazing! In fact, today (I imagine after I sleep in late since being up so late tonight) we are going to make pumpkins for the fridge and the door. She loves arts and crafts.. I want to foster that because she is already talented in my eyes....
Saturday we fixed their hair and put make up on. I painted Ainsley's fingernails and fixed Olivia's nails since she had a couple chip (cheap 60 second polish doesn't last too long, if you know what I mean!) It was really cute to watch Ainsley run into the living room and say, "me! Daddy, me!!" Her way of saying, look at me I am pretty! Both girls were so cute. We played on the swing set outside and other than that, had a lazy day. I really am enjoying the weather now since it has cooled a bit. I can't wait for "sweater weather"... and then I think.. well, it is only a couple weeks away!!

I have to hit the bed... I think I am going to pay for not sleeping tonight.... oh well.. It has to be God's way of preparing for a newborn!


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