The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day!

My girls just days before Andrew's big arrival!

Oh goodness what girly fun we have had!!

We have really been busy lately! Last night Olivia and I made cream cheese sugar cookies for Halloween! We made pumpkins, bats and ghosts! It was so much fun to do this with her and she did a great job of decorating too!
It was fun to watch Olivia get involved and help me like she did! Of course, this was after Ballet and tap and so she was really tired... bless her heart!!
I have a lot of things to do it seems, just to get ready for Andrew and make sure that the house is ready for a baby to be brought inside! I cleaned today a bit and I am getting laundry caught up so I can pack the girl's bag for GG's house tonight. They are going to be with both of their grandmothers over the next couple days... I am not worried about them because I know they will be happy and taken care of... I just want the girls to be happy and everyone taken care of!!
Today I went to the doctor's office and I am officially ready to have this baby! I gained 4 lbs this last week! I am up 18 lbs, which is good, but wow! I have gained so much weight in the last couple weeks!!! I am glad I saved up!
Well, I will attempt to write more and send more pictures tonight so I can show everyone what we have been up to! I have to get the girls ready to go and I have to wrap up a few loose ends here! I am really excited about having this baby and sooooo excited that it is tomorrow.... Don't get me wrong.. I love love love being pregnant.. and this is the best pregnancy by far... but I just want to hold Andrew... and see my son!

1 comment:

Kati said...

Cute Cute Cute pictures of the girls!!!!! I love them! I can't believe how big they are getting! So...good luck tomorrow! I know you will do great! I can't wait to see pictures of little Andrew. I know he will be so cute! The girls will adore him and you will love having a boy! Love you! Take care! And get pictures to us as soon as you can!