The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

37 weeks pregnant today!


We are managing fine... just fine.. except that I am offically miserable! Yep.. it's true... last night I didn't sleep till 3:30am.. and then the whole not sleeping put me having a rough day today... it's okay though.. I know it's almost over.. the whole being miserable with a little "butt" poking out of my belly!! I was talking to Chris on the way home from a birthday party we were invited to... and I said.. Andrew will be here next Thursday. (wow) It hit me that next week we will be a family of FIVE. Yep... crazy. Chris asked me if he could video tape me now so he could play it back when I wanted another baby. I told him no.. but the more I think about it, umm.. this really may be it. I hurt, I am miserable... I can't sleep, I have to go to the bathroom all the time, I have so much pressure "down there". Yep... it's not fun.... At least my reflux was short lived. I don't think I could deal with that all through a pregnancy.
Okay...... so that is my daily vent!!!
I have something cute to report on Ainsley.... I sneezed in the van and I heard a little voice pipe up over the music, "bless you mama". I looked at Chris and said.... "oh how sweet!!!" of course I said "thank you" to Ainsley first.. but just that the thought of my 22 month old blessing me... melted my heart!
Olivia was in a great mood today. She helped me go through clothes and helped me bag them up for Goodwill. She was so willing to help me... such a good little helper! She likes to help and feel needed. I am so lucky to have a "big" little girl!

Well, that is about it for today. It was a relaxing day and much enjoyed by the family. In fact, the whole weekend was nice. I love family weekends!!!

Oh, I did finish the toy bag for the crib last night. I will post pictures of the nursery this week. It is done.. and I actually have some things in my hospital bag!! I actually may be packed by the end of this week!

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