The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ready to Pop!

I offically started to have contractions last night and called the doctor. I guess since they are not 5 minutes apart and lasting for at least an hour I just deal with the hard tummy and the pain that wraps from my lower abdomen to my lower back whenever it feels like coming and going! I am actually doing quite well.... Last night I did the girls some t-shirts that say "I'm a big sister" and they turned out really cute. I put a bag together for them so when they come to the hospital they have a gift from their brother. I decided against buying a doll for them.. I figure one new baby is enough right now!!! (haha)
Mimi and Grandpa have had the girls. Chris and I are about to go pick them up. I am really getting excited and I feel really good about having things ready now. I have the bags packed and the diaper bag packed and everything I need, short of a phone list, which I will make tomorrow.... I will be in Springhill Hospital for approximately 5 days. I think everything will be great and I am not really scared. I am a bit nervous.. but I think with any major surgery you would be!
I am so tired lately! I can't sleep at night unless I take something to sleep and I think of a million and one things I want to do!! I honestly have a list a mile long!! I guess like Mary says, "It will always be like that from now on."... Your right Mary!!!! I have decided... not necessarily to give up... but maybe take a few deep breathes and step back and enjoy this time... I am thankful for good friends that help put a positive spin on a crazy life!


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