The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Two weeks from today....

Oh Goodness... Yesterday I went to the doctor and I have gained a total of 12 pounds with Andrew. I am excited about it.. but seriously think its funny because half of that weight has been gained in the last 2 weeks~ so.. mac and cheese and two pieces of cheesecake for dinner really ISN'T a good idea, huh?!

The baby is head down, and at 36 1/2 weeks.. well, let's just say that I am feeling like I would like it over, but it could be that I feel bigger than I did with my girls. I actually think I am more round.... cute.. but round.. haha. The girls are getting excited about "chop" and they like to go into the nursery and climb up on the bed and look in. Olivia has already bought a taggie duck that plays music for him (thanks to Mimi!) and she reminds me daily that he already has a toy to play with when he gets here.... I guess she doesn't remember that Ainsley didn't do much for about 4 months... GiGi stopped by today and told the girls that they better enjoy me now because I will be tired once the baby comes. Livi looked a little worried.. but then promptly decided to call her "Granny" and forget that nasty little part of mama turning into a zombie for a month after the baby comes.

Good news... at least I think so.... we might have a nanny when I go back to work.... I hope it all works out, so lets just say for now that it looks promising. Wouldn't it be nice to have two loving arms for a newborn rather than be in a room with nine other babies vying for attention? I certainly hope that it works out.. we will know soon!!!

The picture that I will include on this blog (yes, I plan on trying to attempt the whole picture thing Mrs. Kati!!) will be of me and my friend that is due on the same day... at her shower (just so happened to be at my house last Sunday.) I was exactly 36 weeks pregnant.... Stephanie is on the left.. I am the one on the right.. yeah.. the one that is supporting her poor hurt back!!!

I am exhausted and thankfully my friend Mary is watching my girls tomorrow so I can get some last minute things done that I can't focus on with the girls running around. (She is a God-send friend whom never asks for anything... I am so thankful for my girlfriends!!)

October 18th is coming around the corner and little Christopher Andrew will be in my arms before long... I am really excited... tickled.. elated.. all the feelings a mama has, I suppose... well, good night!!!

1 comment:

Kati said...

Oh.....I just LOVE the pictures!!!! You are sooooo stinkin cute! I wish I could be your nanny! You know I would be lovin on that baby everyday for you! I got all the clothes out yesterday. I am going to wash them all up tomorrow! Talk to you very very soon!