The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just Words on a page....

Yesterday my mom came over to watch Olivia since I needed to go back to work. I left Ainsley too since I figured Olivia would enjoy the play time.... Mom fixed them up (use your imagination) and took them to lunch and the library. My cousin Joann came over too, and of course they enjoyed that. I have heard that Joann is getting a new puppy dog and is way excited about this! The girls are too. Ainsley told me last night that it wears clothes!!! She asked me if we had anything for Ginny to wear.... umm... yeah, a garbage bag!! (did I say that?) I sure wish someone special would come along and claim her.... She is just not the right dog for our family!!!!

On another note, something I am attempting to struggle with is all the saddness at work with Proration. The superintendent posted another blog yesterday (or it might have been Thursday when I was out) about how they are offering tenured people $5,000.00 to transfer. Not to mention the $20,000.00 to retire if you have the number of years in. But back to the transfer... this sounds so much to me like dirty santa.... but no second chances. You wouldn't understand if you were not a teacher..... but this is what is so sad... I have a friend that is non-tenured and the fact is, anyone can swoop in and take his job away at this point. I know that things are crazy financially and times are only getting tougher... I just worry about what the economy is doing to my friends and family. I have considerd and I am even planning to go into my principal's office to discuss if I leave would it save my friend's job. I could go to another school for a short time until the numbers pick up and then I could come back... I have thought about leaving DHS before, but only as a whim... this time I would do it if I knew it could save a family. I just wonder if all this transfer stuff would change that though. If a tenured person could come anywhere from inside the county and boot out a non-tenured person (this has happened before) then what does that mean for all of these non-tentured teachers??? I guess not much... thanks for working for us, kiss my butt.. goodbye. I have been so upset about all of this.... I guess I would seriously begin to question my opportunites and lay them out on the table... it just doesn't look good.
I have another friend that is not tenured and a wonderful teacher that has two children in college..... what is she to do? Another friend that came back from GA to teach and left a tenured situation (or was it almost vested?) and now she is looking for the boot.... So many friends with not too many options... no county is hiring right now.... places are cutting back left and right..... it is certainly a great time to have a trade under your belt. I was thinking about what I could do if it were to come to me being cut..... I figured I would not have much of an option either.... but the worst thing that can happen to me is being transfered... seriously..... I can't complain if I have a job....
chris and I discussed it and we are very lucky. Lucky to have each other; lucky to have our babies; lucky to have a network of friends and family that think we are a bit nuts, but support us; lucky to have a lot of love in the family and jobs to go to. Is it luck, or does faith carry us? I think having God in our lives is so important and sometimes we just have to give everything to him and keep going. This is a time when our faith needs to be present and our hearts giving.

I am so proud of what I have, but most importantly the friends that call me, love me and are there for me when I need them most. I am the person I am because of where I came from... I yearn to be better because of the friends in my circle. I love all my peeps!!!

Okay.... now... where's my coffee.... uh oh..... I haven't had any... has this rambling been pre-coffee early morning fog????

Have a great day... and a Happy Mardi Gras!!


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