The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Andrew-- Can't believe this boy is 16 months old!

He loves my side of the bed.... He loves the dog bed too.... and loves to snuggle up and playing pee-pie with me!
Andrew is really getting to be such a big boy!
All of you mothers out there that "tisk-tisk" me over the bottle--- be happy it's not my boob~ what ever works is my motto with this little boy.. he is SO NOT like the girls!

He is now wearing a size 6 shoe, still in size 4 diapers ( you can donate!!!), wearing 18-24 month clothes and is not particular... mommy or daddy-- EITHER will do in a pinch... just hold him, and he is happy!

He has just begun walking.... he still finds his knees on the floor occasionally, but is officially walking now... If I could figure out how to post a video, I would... I may have to try to figure it out!!!!!!

All in all, he is precious and a smart boy... He sure gives the girls grief!!
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