The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Andrew is doing great!

The seizure scare is over!!! Here is a picture I snapped of him in the ER... what the heck? I am generally always camera ready, right?!! He had a seizure that lasted about 5 minutes. It was due to a rapid rise in temperature and although there is a chance he could have another one, there is also the chance that this can never happen again! He will outgrow the chance by age 5, so at least there is a short window of opportunity. He is a precious baby and this just made up my decision to do everything possible to stay home with him as soon as I can. I just think that somethings are just not worth the time away from my children and if Chris and I can swing it, I am going to do everything I can to give me atleast a year with my two younger children. Chris is doing great with his new job too, so we will see what the future holds for us! Life is so exciting sometimes!!!! I am so lucky to be a part of such a loving family! Don't get me wrong, I give Chris hell A LOT, but he is such a good husband and father. We are so lucky to have a strong family!!!!

Andrew turned 2 on October 18th, but was pretty sick that day so we postponed his birthday until the following weekend to do something extra special. We went to the zoo in New Orleans for the day... and it was such a lovely day.... Olivia and Chris are pictured here, but Ainsley was just not interested in being photographed that day!

The family is doing well, as you can see! The children are really growing up too fast and they are all just so funny with their little personalities shining through.... I am blessed beyond belief.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

"Act like you love one another!" The girls were pretty great today! They were happy with what the Easter Bunny gave them and they enjoyed church and GiGi''s dinner... ummm... boy that was good stuff!
Here is Ainsley in her "princess dress" from cousin Joanne!
Okay... we really tried... but it was very stressful to listen to little Andrew... I just wish he felt better today!
Okay... so I couldn't get the bottle out of his mouth... he helped daddy wash the wheels on the car... He had so much fun! Tylenol is a wonderful thing!!!

Easter was jam packed... it was so much fun.... we are getting geared up for Disney...... we are really a wonderful family (if I do say so myself!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Battleship Park.... what fun!

We came to the park to meet up with several mama's and their babies......

We watched children laugh, scream, play and.......

fight... but only a little bit!

What did we learn from our day? That our children are so much fun to see new things with, or is it that we see things as "new" in our children's eyes? They had such a wonderful time... and best of all... we were together.
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The Battleship Park (number 2)

Andrew's beautiful face...
Feeding the birds was so much fun....
Thank Goodness for crackers on hand... we had so much fun!
Olivia in "concentration mode"... what a sweet baby girl....
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dress up!

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Loving Each Other is SO MUCH FUN!

Andrew and Olivia giving each other a "kiss".... I love to see Andrew give kisses to his big sister!
Olivia and Mama taking a picture while playing around....
Ainsley and Mama taking a picture too!!!!! She just said, "I want you mama!"
Andrew giving Olivia a bear hug... I have to admit I love Andrew's hugs because he gives it all he's got when he is loving on me!

I enjoyed playing in their room and watching them play together... now, if only I knew the secret to getting them go to bed happy!!!!
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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Mardi Gras pictures!!!

Mardi Gras is only fun when your with your cousin Joanne!

Joe Cain Day was so much fun!!!!

Look at those horses!!!!

funnel cake was a yummy soft food for Olivia and I think Ainsley enjoyed her share too!!!!
I said to the girls, as we held hands walking towards Government street--- "Potty trained and will travel!" We had a great day and it was so much fun to be with the girls this day... they were so good! And they never asked to use the Port-o-potty.. which made the day just fantastic!!! Olivia and Ainsley caught a bunch and I was thankful for the help when they got a tad impatient waiting for the parades to begin... Thanks to daddy, Andrew stayed nice and warm and absolutely happy at home!!! A girl's day out was just what we needed!!!
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just Words on a page....

Yesterday my mom came over to watch Olivia since I needed to go back to work. I left Ainsley too since I figured Olivia would enjoy the play time.... Mom fixed them up (use your imagination) and took them to lunch and the library. My cousin Joann came over too, and of course they enjoyed that. I have heard that Joann is getting a new puppy dog and is way excited about this! The girls are too. Ainsley told me last night that it wears clothes!!! She asked me if we had anything for Ginny to wear.... umm... yeah, a garbage bag!! (did I say that?) I sure wish someone special would come along and claim her.... She is just not the right dog for our family!!!!

On another note, something I am attempting to struggle with is all the saddness at work with Proration. The superintendent posted another blog yesterday (or it might have been Thursday when I was out) about how they are offering tenured people $5,000.00 to transfer. Not to mention the $20,000.00 to retire if you have the number of years in. But back to the transfer... this sounds so much to me like dirty santa.... but no second chances. You wouldn't understand if you were not a teacher..... but this is what is so sad... I have a friend that is non-tenured and the fact is, anyone can swoop in and take his job away at this point. I know that things are crazy financially and times are only getting tougher... I just worry about what the economy is doing to my friends and family. I have considerd and I am even planning to go into my principal's office to discuss if I leave would it save my friend's job. I could go to another school for a short time until the numbers pick up and then I could come back... I have thought about leaving DHS before, but only as a whim... this time I would do it if I knew it could save a family. I just wonder if all this transfer stuff would change that though. If a tenured person could come anywhere from inside the county and boot out a non-tenured person (this has happened before) then what does that mean for all of these non-tentured teachers??? I guess not much... thanks for working for us, kiss my butt.. goodbye. I have been so upset about all of this.... I guess I would seriously begin to question my opportunites and lay them out on the table... it just doesn't look good.
I have another friend that is not tenured and a wonderful teacher that has two children in college..... what is she to do? Another friend that came back from GA to teach and left a tenured situation (or was it almost vested?) and now she is looking for the boot.... So many friends with not too many options... no county is hiring right now.... places are cutting back left and right..... it is certainly a great time to have a trade under your belt. I was thinking about what I could do if it were to come to me being cut..... I figured I would not have much of an option either.... but the worst thing that can happen to me is being transfered... seriously..... I can't complain if I have a job....
chris and I discussed it and we are very lucky. Lucky to have each other; lucky to have our babies; lucky to have a network of friends and family that think we are a bit nuts, but support us; lucky to have a lot of love in the family and jobs to go to. Is it luck, or does faith carry us? I think having God in our lives is so important and sometimes we just have to give everything to him and keep going. This is a time when our faith needs to be present and our hearts giving.

I am so proud of what I have, but most importantly the friends that call me, love me and are there for me when I need them most. I am the person I am because of where I came from... I yearn to be better because of the friends in my circle. I love all my peeps!!!

Okay.... now... where's my coffee.... uh oh..... I haven't had any... has this rambling been pre-coffee early morning fog????

Have a great day... and a Happy Mardi Gras!!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ainsley-- Now THIS is a bow girl!

Ainsley loves her bows, but Olivia's bow is just too big for her head... we couldn't tell her though! She loves her make-up, bows, jewlery and accessories... purse anyone????

She is so proud that her hair is getting longer.... too bad she doesn't like me to brush it!!! ugghhh!!!!

Ainsley is wearing a size 10 shoe, size 3 and mostly 4s.... and can be bribed to do anything for a "little lipstick"... I even can get her to stop crying if I tell her that it will mess up her make up... yeah, I know....
this baby loves to be held, asks for loving and kisses and is my darling sweet daughter that must be just like me because everyone tells me.... haha.... well, Ainsley, aren't you lucky!?
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Andrew-- Can't believe this boy is 16 months old!

He loves my side of the bed.... He loves the dog bed too.... and loves to snuggle up and playing pee-pie with me!
Andrew is really getting to be such a big boy!
All of you mothers out there that "tisk-tisk" me over the bottle--- be happy it's not my boob~ what ever works is my motto with this little boy.. he is SO NOT like the girls!

He is now wearing a size 6 shoe, still in size 4 diapers ( you can donate!!!), wearing 18-24 month clothes and is not particular... mommy or daddy-- EITHER will do in a pinch... just hold him, and he is happy!

He has just begun walking.... he still finds his knees on the floor occasionally, but is officially walking now... If I could figure out how to post a video, I would... I may have to try to figure it out!!!!!!

All in all, he is precious and a smart boy... He sure gives the girls grief!!
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Olivia at home after her surgery!

Yesterday Olivia had her surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids. Well, her tonsils were removed, but not all of her adenoids. The doctor mentioned that there was a split in her (sp?) ulva and that it was a miracle that she was not born with a cleft palete... very interesting!!

This morning I took this picture after she woke up from her morning nap... she was very proud of the cards and gifts she received from her classmates and teacher. She has been on a mission to do "all of her home work" for her teacher!

Please notice the special bell on her tray---- She used it this morning to "just practice mama, in case I really need something."

She was a real trooper and I am very proud of how well she is handling herself. We have been very blessed that it has been pretty non-eventful for the last two days....
Tomorrow her GG will stay with her and then I will be off for Mardi Gras for 4 days; she (Olivia) will still be home all of next week.

Olivia is enjoying all of the special attention she is receiving for this time... I hope that she doesn't get too used to the bell...
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Playing together.. what a nice sight to find!

Today after nap!
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The Three Goodrich Children!

Ainsley, Olivia and Andrew playing last night before we went out to dinner with Chris' mom for her Birthday.....

Andrew has taken his first steps, but is not walking consistently yet..... I will keep my readers posted!
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Our Little "Divas" in their Boutique Overalls!

Showing off our "Badonkadonks"
The girls had so much fun being little models!!!
Wow! These outfits are acually finished!! I can't believe they are done myself! I only did the majority of the work on Labor Day weekend... talk about worry that they wouldn't fit!! Wow! But they did... and won't they make cute little capries in a couple of weeks!!!!

I am very proud of my embellishement!!! Umm... and you ask where might Andrew's be? Well, that is another deal entirely..... I am thinking about putting his name on some T-shirts for this summer.... bless his heart.... Good thing he didn't turn out to be a girl.... I would have never completed three at the same time!!!

Olivia and Ainsley proudly wore these yesterday to school...

We are all doing very well around here.... Chris is in the middle of tax season and I am either at work or with the children (which I am thrilled about!) Olivia and Ainsley both have been swimming and Olivia has started Ballet again (last month) with Mobile Ballet.... She is thrilled and I am very proud of her immediate progress in learning the French terminology....

I have to go because it's mid-day and Andrew needs my attention.... speaking of which... I will blog a current picture now!

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