The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Olivia is "tutu" cute!

Olivia before her 1st dance class for the 2008/09 season! Hard to believe this is her third year!
Olivia posing-- just like she always does!!!-- (Had to throw this in!!)

Olivia has an official new love-- she wants a hello kitty sewing machine~ She loves to sit with me while I embroider or sew.... we will see if she keeps this interest. If so, I know what she will get for Christmas! I am really proud of Olivia. She is doing a lot on her own now. I don't have to remind her to put her dirty clothes in the laundry room, put her clothes up, or to put her shoes in her closet. She wants to clean her room and she loves to help me with dishes and laundry. I am very lucky that she is so thoughtful and helpful. She is absolutely a doll! Olivia loves headbands and likes to wear "cute" clothes. I need to get her some more shoes because as of right now, she only has one pair! (her feet have grown just over the last month!)
Olivia loves arts and crafts and wants to paint, draw, color- anything that is creative! I am so excited that she enjoys these things. Olivia is a precious little girl and is a great big sister. Andrew absolutely adores her and enjoys playing in the girl's room. Olivia always makes sure that the baby doesn't eat anything he is not supposed to!
What a great big helper!
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