The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Andrew is 11-months-old

Andrew is 11-months-old now. Wow…. I can’t believe that my baby boy is almost a year old. He can eat almost anything I give him, even a McDonald’s cheese burger! (He loves them!) He loves to play with anything that has wheels too! I bought him a toy car today on my break so he would have something to play with in the car on the way home! He is absolutely a sweet, loving baby! Our routine, as of now, is waking up to a nursing session. He goes to school. I pick him up and take him home. He nurses and then he eats his dinner in the high chair. He ate pot roast, carrots, potatoes and cake last night for dinner! (I can’t forget the rolls!) He then goes immediately into the bath tub where he just splashes and splashes! He loves his bathes! He really loves to play in the tub with the girls too. Ainsley and Olivia love to wash his hair. (I think Ainsley just enjoys pouring water on his head to get the soap off!) After bath time he crawls around the house, primarily playing with his toys in the living room. Right now he likes the strollers because he likes the wheels. He also plays with the dump truck and the plastic blocks. After that, he nurses again and then later takes a 4-6 oz bottle before he goes to sleep. He always falls asleep with me and then daddy takes him to his crib. He normally wakes up around the time I get up or a little later… around 6am mostly. He takes good naps at home, but struggles with taking naps most days at daycare. (I think it is too loud at Potter’s Mill!)
He is still in size 3 diapers. He wears a size 4 shoe (only 2 times in his life has he ever worn them!) and 12-18 month clothes.
Andrew does well during the commute from home to work and back, but I know he doesn’t care for it much. 1 ½ hours a day in a car is not too much fun~
Andrew can say mama, dada, baba, bye bye. I am not too sure that he knows what he is saying. When he gets tired, he crawls to me repeating “mama” so I think sometimes he does. He waves bye-bye too. GG says he has big hands, and it’s funny because when he eats he grabs a bunch of food and attempts to put it all in his mouth… even though the pincher grasp would be easier (and weld better results!).
I just can not believe that he can crawl faster than a speeding bullet and can eat a whole meal with one tooth!!!! Oh, and he loves the vacuum cleaner! (strange huh???!!)
I am so lucky that he loves his sisters and his sisters are so proud of him too…. I am so blessed!!

He can also pull up at times, but rarely does. I think he loves to be carried!

I just can't believe that Andrew will be a year old in less than 4 weeks... I am excited that he is such a healthy loving little boy...

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