The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


This past week of school Ainsley came home with her first reward! She remembered from her teachings the first book of the Bible.... Gensis! I am so very proud of her! When I asked her what the first book was, I could have sworn she said, "Jesus". I guess after all the talk about the books of the bible she really knows it because she has diligently responded the first book of the bible correctly for each person her mother asks her to say it for! It was thought at first that her teacher misunderstood her, but I really think she really was the only one in her class that remembered! I know she is smart, and funny... .keep reading.....

Another funny story would be when her daddy asked her if she pooped in her panties. She looked him dead in the eye and responded, "no daddy". We both knew she was dirty, as the odor was proof. So as her daddy looked at her and began with a raised voice, "Ainsley, why are you lieing to me??!" I interjected my thoughts. "Ainsley, are you dirty? Did you poop in your britches?" Ainsley looked at both of us and said, "I don't have panties on, I pooped in my pull-up." Another little story, since we are on the story of poop.... Ainsley was standing by me the other day and I asked her if she was pooping in her pull-up (see, I learn quickly!) and she said, "no mama, I already pooped in the hallway." Well, at least she pooped in her pull-up IN the hallway... boy, will this child ever be potty trained!? She is fighting us on it right and left!!!

BUT.. today, she told me she needed to use the potty and she held it until we made it to a bathroom. I imagine it can't be too much longer!!
Ainsley is a precious little girl!!!! Funny, smart, sweet and loving... She is almost too big for me to pick up.. so sad to me!!

Oh, unfortuntely Ainsley fell in the hallway Thursday night and busted her chin. She had to be taken to the ER for some dermabond. I hope that her chin doesn't scar too badly. Bless her heart, she is a beautiful little girl. I hate that both of my children have had busted chins!!!

I will keep everyone updated on my darling daughter and her funny tales..

Oh, I am coaching her already on the 2nd book... Olivia knows it already.. that is a start!
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