The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ainsley before school

Ainsley usually is in a good mood before school and this day was no exception! She loves to wear dresses and requires a "pretty dress" to go to school each day. Thank goodness our family does not have a shortage of pretty dresses! It is hard to believe how fast this little girl is growing. She is very smart and with that said, gets into some major trouble with her mouth! Last week she told her teacher that she "was going to tell her mama" when she got into trouble at school. (the teacher wrote to tell me too since Ainsley threatened her!) Another thing that happened that was too funny was the night last week that Ainsley walked in with Olivia's milkshake from McDonalds and Chris asked her what did she have. Ainsley held onto the milkshake tight and looked at us and said very dramatically, " Daddy, Jesus says share!" I guess you had to be there, but I guess we have a long way to go to teach our little children what a fine line it is between sharing and stealing!
Ainsley will be three in 2 months, which is really hard to believe. Our little "hair twirling, Ariel loving, dress wearing, gotta have a bow" girl is just amazing!
She loves to pretend to talk to her grandmothers on her pretend phone, she loves her baby dolls and she has begun Ballet which is right up her ally!
What a sweet little girl!
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