The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


This past week of school Ainsley came home with her first reward! She remembered from her teachings the first book of the Bible.... Gensis! I am so very proud of her! When I asked her what the first book was, I could have sworn she said, "Jesus". I guess after all the talk about the books of the bible she really knows it because she has diligently responded the first book of the bible correctly for each person her mother asks her to say it for! It was thought at first that her teacher misunderstood her, but I really think she really was the only one in her class that remembered! I know she is smart, and funny... .keep reading.....

Another funny story would be when her daddy asked her if she pooped in her panties. She looked him dead in the eye and responded, "no daddy". We both knew she was dirty, as the odor was proof. So as her daddy looked at her and began with a raised voice, "Ainsley, why are you lieing to me??!" I interjected my thoughts. "Ainsley, are you dirty? Did you poop in your britches?" Ainsley looked at both of us and said, "I don't have panties on, I pooped in my pull-up." Another little story, since we are on the story of poop.... Ainsley was standing by me the other day and I asked her if she was pooping in her pull-up (see, I learn quickly!) and she said, "no mama, I already pooped in the hallway." Well, at least she pooped in her pull-up IN the hallway... boy, will this child ever be potty trained!? She is fighting us on it right and left!!!

BUT.. today, she told me she needed to use the potty and she held it until we made it to a bathroom. I imagine it can't be too much longer!!
Ainsley is a precious little girl!!!! Funny, smart, sweet and loving... She is almost too big for me to pick up.. so sad to me!!

Oh, unfortuntely Ainsley fell in the hallway Thursday night and busted her chin. She had to be taken to the ER for some dermabond. I hope that her chin doesn't scar too badly. Bless her heart, she is a beautiful little girl. I hate that both of my children have had busted chins!!!

I will keep everyone updated on my darling daughter and her funny tales..

Oh, I am coaching her already on the 2nd book... Olivia knows it already.. that is a start!
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Before school on a random day!

Ainsley, Andrew & Olivia posing for mama before school one day before school last week! They do pretty good each morning considering how early they have to get up!!
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New Night Gowns!

The girls received new night gowns from Mimi and as soon as they got home they striped off and put them on! I think they have lived in them this week!!!!
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My sweet girls!

Ainsley and Olivia are the sweetest little girls! I am so lucky to have such loving little girls! It is so funny to see them love on each other!!! If they are not loving on each other, then one of them is looking for the other one to play with!!

This picture was taken when Olivia was going to dance class and Ainsley was giving her a hug before she left!
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last 3 pictures to look at!

Andrew saw his sisters and was waving!
I like this picture too, but it doesn't show the tractor very well!
I love this picture!! But you can't really see the baby!
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Andrew's First Birthday Announcement pictures!

This one is sweet, but not my favorite!
My favorite for my birthday announcement is this one! I love how he is wearing the hat, and holding on like the tractor is really moving!

He is cute here!

I like this picture too, but he doesn't look happy!
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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Andrew's Christening Gown that GG & I made!

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FINALLY! Andrew at 9-months!

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Andrew is 11-months-old

Andrew is 11-months-old now. Wow…. I can’t believe that my baby boy is almost a year old. He can eat almost anything I give him, even a McDonald’s cheese burger! (He loves them!) He loves to play with anything that has wheels too! I bought him a toy car today on my break so he would have something to play with in the car on the way home! He is absolutely a sweet, loving baby! Our routine, as of now, is waking up to a nursing session. He goes to school. I pick him up and take him home. He nurses and then he eats his dinner in the high chair. He ate pot roast, carrots, potatoes and cake last night for dinner! (I can’t forget the rolls!) He then goes immediately into the bath tub where he just splashes and splashes! He loves his bathes! He really loves to play in the tub with the girls too. Ainsley and Olivia love to wash his hair. (I think Ainsley just enjoys pouring water on his head to get the soap off!) After bath time he crawls around the house, primarily playing with his toys in the living room. Right now he likes the strollers because he likes the wheels. He also plays with the dump truck and the plastic blocks. After that, he nurses again and then later takes a 4-6 oz bottle before he goes to sleep. He always falls asleep with me and then daddy takes him to his crib. He normally wakes up around the time I get up or a little later… around 6am mostly. He takes good naps at home, but struggles with taking naps most days at daycare. (I think it is too loud at Potter’s Mill!)
He is still in size 3 diapers. He wears a size 4 shoe (only 2 times in his life has he ever worn them!) and 12-18 month clothes.
Andrew does well during the commute from home to work and back, but I know he doesn’t care for it much. 1 ½ hours a day in a car is not too much fun~
Andrew can say mama, dada, baba, bye bye. I am not too sure that he knows what he is saying. When he gets tired, he crawls to me repeating “mama” so I think sometimes he does. He waves bye-bye too. GG says he has big hands, and it’s funny because when he eats he grabs a bunch of food and attempts to put it all in his mouth… even though the pincher grasp would be easier (and weld better results!).
I just can not believe that he can crawl faster than a speeding bullet and can eat a whole meal with one tooth!!!! Oh, and he loves the vacuum cleaner! (strange huh???!!)
I am so lucky that he loves his sisters and his sisters are so proud of him too…. I am so blessed!!

He can also pull up at times, but rarely does. I think he loves to be carried!

I just can't believe that Andrew will be a year old in less than 4 weeks... I am excited that he is such a healthy loving little boy...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Play Time!

Ainsley with her ever favorite... chocolate milk! Andrew loves to play with this toy, it's a wonder he isn't using it like your supposed to.. he loves to play it!
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Andrew with shoes!

He was not too thrilled to have shoes on.. But he looked so darling in them!!
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Merry Go Round in the mall

Shopping always includes a ride on the horses!!

We had such a great day!!!!
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Bath time is so much fun!

Andrew and Olivia taking a bath!

I have to write this down... today I was in the shower and I heard this pathetic sound of Andrew whining... I looked out and he was sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor looking at the shower and (oh course now me peeking at him) he was crying because he wanted in the tub with me!!!

It was too cute! He also cries when he is being fed and hears the bathtub filling up... he wants down so he can crawl to the tub! I have to keep the doors closed otherwise I am scared he would get in the tub or hurt himself... he absolutely loves water!!!!
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first tooth

You may can see this, may not, but this is Andrew's first tooth!
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One of my favorite dinner time pictures!

He has started wrinkling up his nose when I get the camera.... is he trying to tell me something!?
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Dinner with Andrew

Andrew loves his spoon! Andrew loves the food I put on his plate! Andrew doesn't care for the plate too much.. that ended up on the floor.. oh well!
I love this picture!
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The Three Goodrich Children!

Notice all the runny noses? Well, we still have them! But, other than the question I got Friday, "Mrs. Goodrich, what is that on your leg?" and my response that sounded way to typical, "Oh that? It's snot!" Life is not too shabby!
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Our day at the Explorium~ We saw the FROGS!

My family! Notice the children all dressed in RED was not planned!

Olivia & Ainsley were "hopping" to it! They had so much fun seeing the FROG exhibit!
We had a birthday party to go to at the explorium.... it was so much fun for the girls.. they had a blast! Andrew loved it too! He had his first hot dog and red punch, along with yummy birthday cake... he will be a pro with the whole cake thing down before his first birthday!

Yesterday I had shoes on Andrew... let's just say that the size 4s were a bit tight.. my response to this...'uh oh'

My boy is so sweet! Now when I say, "Give me kisses!" He responds with "smacking sounds"... He is such a cuddle bunny!

Right now I have the baby crawling around the house chasing the girls whom are attempting to play dress-up... I guess I should get off this computer!!!!
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Olivia's New Haircut!

Olivia's new look!

New shoes, New Outfit, New Hair! Thank Goodness, same sweet girl!

Yesterday Olivia & I went to see Mrs. Mary for a haircut. It is something I really look forward to, and yesterday was no exception! I was excited to share the time I usually get alone with my oldest daughter. It was a fun time. Olivia & I left from getting our hair done on to my favorite thing to do... Shopping! We went to a new store called "Justice for girls" and then we hit our absolute favorite store, "Gymboree". We got the outfit you see above and today we completed the outfit with the shoes and "accessories"... yes, Olivia's word, not mine. Of course we didn't make it out of the store with JUST this outfit... I won't go into wishing I had a trunk to hide the "goods". I told Olivia that I would teach her that when she got older. She just responded that we needed a trunk first.. I have to admit, she is pretty smart!
We ended up getting shoes for Ainsley and Olivia today. Olivia is in a 12 1/2 and Ainsley is in a 9. Hard to believe that my girls are growing so fast! Olivia loves to hold the bags we get and when we get home she models her look.... too cute! Olivia is still in a size 4 for the most part. (Ainsley can wear a 3t now.) Andrew is quickly approaching the catch up phase.. he is already in 18-24 month PJs and size 12-18 mo. clothes!
Well, enough on shopping... I now have to save up for our next shopping spree... Boy, the girls are going to wipe me out!!!!
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Monday, September 1, 2008

Ainsley & Andrew's nightly bath time

This is the only picture I found that did not show anything inappropriate! Ainsley loves to take baths with Andrew because she loves to wash his hair! I think that she just likes dumping water on his head, but hey, saves my back.. so I say go for it!

When I take Andrew out of the tub Ainsley always says, "Give him back, he's mine!" I think it is soo cute!
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