The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sweet Blue Eyes!


Hi my "little man"! Andrew was such a happy baby for the most part of the day. This evening proved to be a long stretch for me while I waited for Chris to finish the lawn and cleaning off the porch. If I, just for the shortest moment, decided to take a break and lay him in his crib or let him rock in his swing, he would fuss something terribly! I decided this morning that it would do no good to get upset with him. I no longer will 'wish to put him down' or 'take a little break' because some ideas just hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. He will only be a baby for a moment and I can never get them back. Yep. That is right. I realized today that my wishing to put him down to just get one more thing done or just get one more thing cleaned, meant that that was a time I wasted. The reason I say this is because he will be running around before I know it and he will strive to get down to explore. I just want to relish my moments with Andrew as a baby. I can hardly believe he is already 5 months old! That puts Ainsley at 28-months old! It is so difficult to believe that my children are growing so fast. Olivia is such a lady and is going to be 4 in less than 2 months. She told me the last couple days she wants a butterfly party at the fountain. I think we can manage that! Ainsley and Olivia were so cute in church today! Ainsley was a mess, but that is nothing new! The elders in the church seem to enjoy the actions of the curious, especially my "Miss. Independent". Ainsley decided for the first part of service that she would sit in her own pew in front of us. That lasted until she decided to rearrange the bibles and hymnals from one side to the other. That child is something else!!
I held her to sing a song and she sang along with us! It was so funny. With all heart, she belted out what sounded like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" while the rest of the congregation sang the appropriate song, "Ore the strife". It was so funny and then I thought of how AINSLEY that is!

Both girls are sleeping over at their Mimi's house again tonight. I guess the nanny will have a better day tomorrow considering that she will probably have to sit and hold the baby most of the day!! Poor Chesleigh!

I am so blessed with three cute children!

Well, that is about it for me. I am on official count down until April 15th. I am so excited to say that it is coming up! I think that I can see the end of the tunnel. I will be so happy to have Chris' help in the evenings!!!!

Hope all have a great week!
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