The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Olivia & Ainsley Goodrich with their Easter Bows!


Okay, I gave up faster than I should have when trying to get a good picture of the girls before church last weekend. We took the girls to get their Easter pictures with their brother and of course they had to wear their bows that went with their Easter dresses so there they were in our extreme dash to make it out the door, both girls stopped for me to take a quick picture. Bless Ainsley's heart, she is just not that into pictures yet and so therefore, Olivia was pretty as a picture and Ainsley had her mouth open and was more interested in her surroundings than to take one second to look at the camera in her mommy's hand! Our Easter pictures are ready (Neicase Photography takes the best pictures of my children!) and I can not wait to go get them! They even took a picture of the family with the bunnies!! I think I felt like a little girl with all those bunnies on my lap!!!
Chris and I are going to close on our property tomorrow!!!! Yep, we will be joint land owners with our hopes and dreams in building a big house to fill with our family and enjoy many, many years together! Of course, that is if we don't kill each other first! Building a house seems so daunting and tedious to me at this time.. hopefully I will get more things under my belt that I want to do and stop freting the small stuff. I tend to worry and of course I get it honestly from my Granny. She always had a pot of something cooking on her stove and a worry in her heart. I imagine I will continue to be the same way and it is not like I have the ability to shake it. Thank goodness for a mama that has a backbone and has always given me a place to lean. Of course, Chris (my darling husband) isn't too shabby either! He is so understanding, it is a wonder he doesn't give me an ear full sometimes about my stressing out all the time. I guess he just has known me long enough to know that would just worry me more!
Chris is in the living room holding Andrew as I type this. I need to go finish the washing and get clothes out for tomorrow. Another work week and another week to count down before April 15th! Six more weeks to go before the shackles are released! I feel so bad that Chris is working all the time. I guess I should stop feeling sorry for him and start thanking my lucky stars that he has a job to go to. The economy is in such shambles it seems and everything is so slow. I am so lucky to have a job to go to and a sweet girl to watch the children when I go. I can't help but feel over whelmed. Who wouldn't in my shoes? I have a 3 year-old, a 2 year-old and a 4 month-old... a husband that is not home hardly and every time I turn around something else has to be done! I once again will thank God for that something else to be done because I am so in love with my family! I am one lucky, never have enough time girl!

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