The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Central's Easter Egg Hunt!

It was such a beautiful, windy day! Such a perfect day for an Easter Egg hunt! Here are some pictures of the children on Saturday! Andrew was a bit warm in the carrier, but Paw-Paw and GiGi helped me take care of him and of course the girls absolutely loved hunting for eggs and the candy found inside was a special treat! I told Ainsley that she couldn't have the gum and she promised she wouldn't "get choke on it." It was so funny to watch them run around looking for eggs! Olivia recieved a special egg and in exchange for turning it in recieved a snow globe with a bunny in it. You would have though she won a million dollars!!

The girls really had a good day Saturday because not only did they get to go to the Easter Egg hunt with the grandparents, but they also took all of us to the movies! We went to see HORTON HEARS A WHO and it was a great movie for the kids! Ainsley was ready to go before it was over, but all in all she did pretty good for her age! Even Andrew watched the movie for about an hour before he had to be taken out by Paw Paw... We survived the fun for the day and then of course after church today the girls went with their Mimi for the afternoon. Olivia helped me clean her room this evening and she said, "Mama, I'm sorry I left my room so dirty and messy." She really is a precious little girl! Ainsley and I were watching a Baby Einstein movie that was left on from earlier and she pointed and said, "look, a mama crab and a baby crab!" Wow, she really is just a verbal little girl! She talks all the time, and mostly to her sister! She tells me she loves me "very much" and of course speaks about all kinds of things and asks a ton of questions! She loves to sing the ABC song and loves to cuddle.. I am so very lucky!

Okay, well, Chris should be back from the store here shortly... Let me get those pictures on here and get the girls to bed!!
Love to all the family!

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