The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Style Queen!


It's funny sometimes how you wake up and realize that your daughter has more style than the current fashion magazine... okay, okay, so she THINKS she has the "it" factor... well, I personally think that she does have a great sense of what she wants... mix and match stripes and polka dots.. throw in a couple bright colors and Olivia turns into a little diva model! I can't believe how fast this little girl is growing!
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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Father & Son


Chris and Andrew "hanging out" watching some tv... well, this isn't exactly typical because when I find a minute to take a picture, generally speaking my husband is underneath two little girls! They don't give their daddy much of a break, much less, when he is holding baby "chop". I think this random moment just so happened to be one of those moments the girls were playing quietly in their room. (This does happen occasionally, but I rather hear them, otherwise I am sure that they are into something they should not be into!)

Since returning to work I have not taken a ton of pictures, but at times I remember to pick up the camera and zap a moment. So difficult is it to find time to do anything with working full-time! I did manage to get Andrew's 3-month pictures scheduled and completed on time. It is very difficult for me to believe that my little baby boy is already 3 1/2 months old... where does time go? My little girls are growing up so fast too! I have to admit (over and over again) how much I enjoy being a mother. The children are such a blessing and with that said.... I have to go take care of Andrew so Chris can get the garbage out and we can do all the Sunday evening duties that much be checked off our list so we may retire to a restful night's sleep. (At least we hope the latter is the case!!)

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Andrew is 3 months old


Oh Goodness, how time flies! He is such a sweet baby boy.. my darling "little man"! He is so loved by the girls that it isn't even funny! I am so lucky to have so much love under one roof!! He is offically in size two diapers now... I just didn't think I could squeeze him into size one any longer. What a happy time.... and so sad for me to see my baby boy get big so fast! I survived my first week back to work and enjoyed my 3-day weekend to the utmost! I am extremely happy that this is a short week, as I realize now that I am only working for the weekends and the short bursts of time I can spend with my family. Tax season is among us so unfortunately time is of quality, not quantity when it comes time to spending it as a family. Chris is busy with tax paperwork and I am busy with the children.... and the children run to the door when they hear his truck... "Daddy's home!!!" they yell and shriek as it seems as if it is forever before the dog quits barking and the girls stop singing, dancing and prancing around... and then finally... we are all together under one roof. I wish and pray that everyone can experience this in their lifetime. Sure, things are hectic, it's cold outside, the economy is nasty, and gas is expensive... but the love I have from three beautiful children and the family that Chris and I have created is so amazing. I am so thankful and blessed by God. I guess I could go on and on, but Andrew is in need of his "night cap" and I am in need of a cozy place in bed watching CSI before I drift off to sleep... (okay, 5am comes really too soon and the reality is that I won't make it through a whole CSI episode.. oh well, but life is still A-okay with me!)
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Thursday, January 17, 2008

I survived the first week back to work and my nanny survived my children!!!!

It is official!! Tomorrow is Friday and work is going great! I love Daphne High School and the people I work with! I am so lucky!!!!!!!

I did miss my children... BUT... knowing they were well taken care of by Chesleigh made it sooo much better.... I really did have an easy transition back to work because of her. How could I have gotten so lucky????!!!!!!

Andrew is offically beginning to coo all the time. He is absolutely precious, minus the fact that he has removed himself from the confines of his crib back into the comfy surroundings of my bed!!!! Okay, I am not going to lie, it is so much easier to have him in bed with me when my alarm goes off at 5am.... And, well, I am a tad lazy when it comes to late nights, middle of the night, or early morning feedings... THANK YOU LORD FOR BOOBS!!!! I love nursing!!! I love how easy it is and how wonderful it is to be so close to my children!!! Ainsley has been asking for "ninny" lately, but I take her mind off of it with a bottle.. I don't think it would cause her psychological damage to nurse her, but I do consider my mental health!!! (gee whiz!!)

Olivia is always so active and so happy!!! She loves her nanny and insists on doing arts and crafts on a daily basis. She is beginning to sound out three/four letter words with me. This started this evening among the chaos of cooking dinner, the baby crying, Ainsley hanging on me, the phone ringing, and the normal noise of the cartoons on TV. She did great dispite my split attention!!! (what a trooper my oldest is!)

Ainsley is just wanting to "rock rock" and be cuddled. I hope that the little time I have to give her is keeping her feeling loved and not left out. I didn't realize how hard it would be to give each one the attention they need and still insist upon some type of organized living. (You know, dinner at a decent time, bath before too late, and clothes washed, etc...)

Chris has offically begun tax season hours and until April 15th or later, I will be taking on more responsibility to help alleviate stress from household chores. I forgot how demanding the kids could be!! The funny thing is that now I never have "time off". I am offically working a full-time job and then a full-time mommy position!! (Poor Chris only gets the last bits of my attention and if you ask me, or him for that matter, he really does get the crumbs-- crumby huh?

Well, I will must go to get Andrew to feed him before bed time... I can't believe it is already 8pm.... I am so ready to go to bed.... sad huh!???? Oh well,,, I guess it is just how it goes during this lovely special time in my life... one day I will miss all the babies and early mornings... I just count my stars and say my blessings.. because guess what?! GOD IS GOOD!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

GrandPaPa's Visit


Here is a picture that was taken of Andrew with his grandfather from Mississippi.... He came down and played with the girls and held the baby. It was a quick visit, but he enjoyed the children!

It was great to see him, even if it was for a little while.. I am lucky to have so many special people care about me and my family!!
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Our house is on the market!!!!

Chris put the sale sign in the yard this morning!! I hope that things get rolling and we will be in a new house within this 2008 year!
I am so excited!!!
I am now more motivated than ever to clean up and clean out!!

Andrew is in his crib this morning... Two nights in a row he has slept alone! He is such a good baby! Yesterday he drank 6 oz. at one time!! I couldn't believe it! It is so hard to give him bottles during the day... I love to nurse him, but getting ready to go back to work, I figured I must get my body adjusted!! (and get him adjusted to bottles during the day!)
Olivia and Ainsley are doing great... They spent the day with their MiMi yesterday and I cleaned house. As soon as Pat came into the house, they went to get their bags to go to her house.. it is so cute!! Well, today we are having company so I must go get ready!
Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Olivia & Ainsley


I just needed to blog this photo of Ainsley and Olivia. I love my little girls and this photo is one that helps me to always remember how sweet my girls truly are. Olivia ran up to Ainsley and said, "You're my best friend!" just yesterday. Of course she was playing her Leapster and Ainsley was too close for comfort and Olivia said, "I love you Ainsley but move over!"

I think I am the luckiest mama in the world...
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Ainsley & Andrew


Here is a picture I love... Just taken a few days ago and already a favorite of mine.... Ainsley always wants to "hold him too". So.. she did. It was funny because you couldn't take him away from her! Andrew is happy and it was a treat for Ainsley to love on her "baby CHOP"!

Today was a busy day... we looked at a house and went to visit GiGi. The girls rode the 4-wheeler with their daddy and played outside on the tire swing. It was so much fun to watch them have a ball in such beautiful weather. I can't believe we didn't take any pictures, but I am sure that we will have fond memories of these times! GiGi and PawPaw couldn't believe how much Andrew had grown since the last time they saw him (what, a week?!) He would smile for me, but wasn't interested in being very social with anyone else. Time will change that, I am sure!

uh oh, I hear the girls running around and I think one of them is upset.. I must go see what it is! (could it be that neither one has had a nap in two days!?) I love the sound of the girls shreaking and laughing and daddy saying, "I told you again, go get me another diaper if you are going to take that one off!" I will miss this when they get older, but you know, it will be so nice when we are done with diapers... umm.. 3-4 years from now?? Gee Wiz!

I am on count down for going back to work.... A week from tomorrow!! I have mixed feelings about it, but I know we all have to do what we have to do!! I am lucky to have a job to go to!!! And, the people are absolutely wonderful to work with... so, it could be worse!!

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here is my baby boy.....

New Year, New Baby, New fab-family of five... You get the picture.... oh happy days!

Here is a picture of Andrew!!! This picture was taken January 1st, 2008.. he is such a sweet baby boy!!! He is really alert and a very content baby. My little man is my heart!

It has taken me a bit of time to get something else posted on this blog... Christopher Andrew Goodrich was born October 18, 2007 and then all hell broke loose with a yucky staph infection and a very tough recovery. I am still not 100%, but you wouldn't know it by looking at that chunky monkey "Andrew" or better known by his sisters-- "CHOP". He is a precious baby and thanks to the blessings of ringing in the new year and my resolution to ONLY sleep with my husband, I put the baby in his room, in his crib. Oh, it lasted till Chris hit me on the shoulder at 3:30 in the morning saying, "the baby is crying." I said, "well, go get him, just get him and bring him to me and that is all you have to do." And with that said, I received my 12 pound baby WITHOUT a pacifer... which prompted my very tired husband to mumble and go find one... yep, I must be spoiled! Well, all he wanted was to cozy himself up to my breast and go soundly to sleep till 6:45am. (Did I say lucky?!) Oh, well, I am except that my queen sized bed doesn't really hold two adults and three kids. It seems that every morning it gets smaller and smaller...

I am not complaining.. actually I'm bragging a bit. I am feeling very lucky tonight as I write this! Chris and I just celebrated our 4th anniversary (with a gorgeous dozen roses with 4 white roses added-- just beautiful!) and with three children... well, happiness is abundant in our household. I can hear laughter or get hugs and kisses within an hour's interval upon waking and retiring for the evening (some occasional night time cuddling happens too, but this is not prefered!). I am telling you.... children are a BLESSING! (Okay, when I am not being loved on with wet kisses and sticky hugs I do occasionally get a kiss or a hug from Chris... it's just that we never thought that we would have to compete for all the loving!)

Okay, Olivia and Ainsley are wonderful big sisters.... Andrew is a precious baby and just recently began smiling. I feel like all the hours of sleeplessness really tends to be paid off once you get that recognition and that beautiful smile your baby gives you. I have to tell you that his smile just warms my heart and my spirit is lifted greatly. I have to continue to enjoy every minute I am given before I return to work. I am not looking forward to it, but I do love the kids I teach and my days are filled with purpose. Hey, maybe I will lose weight.. I have to look at the bright side of things!!!
Besides, God has a reason for me to return to work. I have to admit that I miss my friends, but I will probably drive everyone crazy with talk of my children! Oh well!!

Speaking of bright things... Here is a picture of my girls taken at the Christmas parade in Robertsdale in front of my mom's shop.

They were so much fun to parade with! Of course there is GiGi holding the baby. Chris had the job of holding Olivia most of the evening so to not let her get trampled by passing horses. Ainsley loved being on the back of the pickup and as long as someone threw her beads and candy, she was just fine!

Christmas was a special day and although I have been keeping busy with the children, the season really did fly by. I can't believe that we are in the year 2008! WOW!

I will do my best to update everyone and give more information about my sweet children, but at this time I must go to bed! Tomorrow the baby sitter is coming and I am getting my hair chopped off! Oh, and I am getting Olivia's hair cut for the first time too! I will post a picture when I can!

Love to all!


Christopher Andrew Goodrich
October 18, 2007