The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Andrew at 7 months!

Andrew & Olivia
I was a bit concerned that Andrew is still not sitting up very well, but the doctor told me not to be concerned because of how big he is. He is growing well and there is no problem as far as he is concerned. Andrew is an active baby, reaching out and playing with his toys. He loves to hold his pacifer and he gets upset if he wears clothes that cover his feet because he loves to suck on his toes! Andrew is a happy baby and thrives on being held. Chris and I take turns in order to get things done. I really don't mind his neediness because he will only be a baby for such a short time. I realized this morning I can barely fit him in 6 month clothes (the snaps come undone) and sadly realize that 9-12 month clothes have to do. I am thankful that I have this coming week to get organized. I am going to go through all the baby clothes and get things in order!
Anyway, Andrew will be sitting up soon enough and before long walking. I think that this is going to be a wonderful summer. I enjoyed my first day today realizing I have eight weeks off work and I will enjoy each and every day with my precious children!

Did I say Andrew liked to be held? I think I must go get him now!!!
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1 comment:

david santos said...

Nice, nice and very nice, Baby`s.
good luck