The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ainsley exactly 2 1/2 years-old

What a darling little girl I have! So busy! Sometimes I crave the energy she expells!
Ainsley continues to dislike looking at the camera. That really doesn't bother me like it used to because I realize that she gives me the candids that really make for a sweet picture. Ainsley is such a cuddle bug! She loves to get into everything though! Boy, I sometimes wish we didn't have make up in this house! (Well, I guess I truly need it, but the girls do not!) Ainsley has a way of finding it and putting it every where!!!! She decided to use the carpet for a tissue! Let's just say, thank goodness for degreaser! Chris has used a whole can of that stuff on spots where Ainsley has managed to find and spread lipstick and lip gloss every where!!! Okay, Okay, I know... I should be watching them.. but honestly, it is when you least expect it!!! Honest!!!
(Olivia never did this!!!!!)
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