The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Swimming Lessons!!!!


Thursday Night, May 15, 2008.

Olivia & Ainsley began swim lessons at the local YMCA. They took for an hour and boy did they have fun! I enjoyed watching from the sidelines as any good mother should!! (haha) I have new nicknames for the girls. Fearful & Fearless... Fearless had to be rescued during swim lessons for walking down the steps and going straight to the bottom! (I saw and screamed, but everyone else seemed to not be worried... I decided that Thursdays are for watching swim lessons, not working out!!!) I would rather stay and bring two children home instead of just one!
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