The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Celebrating the "Ainsley" way!

Ainsley dressed up for Olivia's party and boy did she try to rival the belle of the ball! She was so cute in her dress-up clothes!
Ainsley did great with handling the party and was singing "Happy Birthday To You" to Livi the night before and all of the day of her birthday.
At the end of the party, Mimi asked if she could give a gift to Ainsley too, and of course we can't deny a grandmother!
Ainsley took the present and said in the sweetest voice, "thank you! thank you!" and was so excited to receive a gift too.
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