The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sweet Blue Eyes!


Hi my "little man"! Andrew was such a happy baby for the most part of the day. This evening proved to be a long stretch for me while I waited for Chris to finish the lawn and cleaning off the porch. If I, just for the shortest moment, decided to take a break and lay him in his crib or let him rock in his swing, he would fuss something terribly! I decided this morning that it would do no good to get upset with him. I no longer will 'wish to put him down' or 'take a little break' because some ideas just hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. He will only be a baby for a moment and I can never get them back. Yep. That is right. I realized today that my wishing to put him down to just get one more thing done or just get one more thing cleaned, meant that that was a time I wasted. The reason I say this is because he will be running around before I know it and he will strive to get down to explore. I just want to relish my moments with Andrew as a baby. I can hardly believe he is already 5 months old! That puts Ainsley at 28-months old! It is so difficult to believe that my children are growing so fast. Olivia is such a lady and is going to be 4 in less than 2 months. She told me the last couple days she wants a butterfly party at the fountain. I think we can manage that! Ainsley and Olivia were so cute in church today! Ainsley was a mess, but that is nothing new! The elders in the church seem to enjoy the actions of the curious, especially my "Miss. Independent". Ainsley decided for the first part of service that she would sit in her own pew in front of us. That lasted until she decided to rearrange the bibles and hymnals from one side to the other. That child is something else!!
I held her to sing a song and she sang along with us! It was so funny. With all heart, she belted out what sounded like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" while the rest of the congregation sang the appropriate song, "Ore the strife". It was so funny and then I thought of how AINSLEY that is!

Both girls are sleeping over at their Mimi's house again tonight. I guess the nanny will have a better day tomorrow considering that she will probably have to sit and hold the baby most of the day!! Poor Chesleigh!

I am so blessed with three cute children!

Well, that is about it for me. I am on official count down until April 15th. I am so excited to say that it is coming up! I think that I can see the end of the tunnel. I will be so happy to have Chris' help in the evenings!!!!

Hope all have a great week!
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Goodrich Family Spring 2008


Here we are.... oh goodness, I can't believe it is our first family portrait, even though it was very unplanned. The girls and Andrew were in for their Easter pictures and I just wanted to be ready for church afterwards. Thank goodness for a little make-up... now if only I had a slimming button on this computer!! I realized after seeing this picture that I really need to do something about the weight... I guess I will after tax season... But then again, there is always another excuse waiting...

I love my family!!!!
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The Goodrich Family CHILDREN!


Here are my sweet angels all dressed up for Easter. They were so beautiful in their Easter clothes and just precious!!!

I think I could do Easter each week of the year... I love spring time!!!
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter 2008


My beautiful little girls.... Olivia & Ainsley before heading off to church. The girls were so beautiful, yet I didn't manage to get a great shot of them... The sun was in their eyes and they were so excited to get to church to see their Mimi. We all managed to make it on time to church in order for me to sing in the choir and have bunch as well. Chris did quite well with both girls in the sanctuary during the sermon and even Ainsley sang a song or two with the congregation. Of course, as I looked down at my family I noticed what I see each time I am in church with Olivia. She sits quietly and behaves like a perfect little angel. We are so blessed!!

We went to Mimi's house to dye Easter eggs and enjoy a great meal! The girls played, Andrew enjoyed the attention and we drove off from Spanish Fort with one less child. Olivia decided to spend the night with her grandmother and we drove back with Ainsley and Andrew dozing in the back of the van. It was noticed once we got home that the reason for Ainsley wanting to be with us was that she was indeed sick with a fever. I guess there is not a better place to be than with your mama and daddy when you feel bad. I woke up yesterday feeling the effects of something myself but managed to go to work regardless of illness.

Chris enjoyed the family time and with Monday morning he returned to tax season hours. I am so thankful that with Easter, comes day light savings time and a shorter count down till April 15th. I am so thankful for that! We all miss Chris and the late nights of the girls staying up to greet him are wearing on me now. I can not put them to bed at a decent time when they have not had their "daddy time". I just remember growing up needing my time with my father and I realize how important it is. I am so blessed to have a husband that enjoys his daughters and relishes moments with me.

Andrew is growing big. Now he is 5-months-old and is grasping for toys, holding his blanket, taking his pacifer out of his mouth, responding to his sisters with cackles and giggles. He absolutely adores Livi, and both girls just eat him up! Ainsley tells me she wants ninny and she wants to swing in Andrew's swing. When I ask her if she is my baby too, she responds with "no, I'm a big girl. Andrew is the baby!" But I know that she will always be my baby too. She gives the sweetest kisses and hugs me all the time. The greetings I receive from coming home from work are all too sweet and I begin getting tickled with anticipation of my arrival home about half way there each day!

The girls are bringing me flowers and leaves and I now know what it feels like to be on the receiving in of the most beautiful "flowers" and "leafs" in the whole world. I have about a dozen flowers in a vase that have previous residence between the fence posts outside. I am so grateful for the color, that I have placed them in a vase over the sink. I smile now thinking of how wonderful my daughter's love is for me, and my love for them grows with leaps and bounds daily, hourly.... oh, how I wish I didn't have to spare a minute apart from them. As parents we do what we have to do and one of those things is to provide insurance coverage... I guess that is a good enough excuse to work.

I love my family. I am one of the luckiest people in the world.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Not very happy....


Do you think Andrew will ever forgive me for this picture?????

(maybe not!)
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Andrew at Central's Easter Egg Hunt!


Andrew enjoyed being outside and being held by his GiGi and Paw-Paw... it was a great day!
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Olivia at Centra's Easter Egg Hunt!


Olivia was a great Egg Hunter! Look at all those eggs!
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Ainsley at Central's Easter Egg Hunt!


Ainsley's First Egg Hunt!!
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Central's Easter Egg Hunt!

It was such a beautiful, windy day! Such a perfect day for an Easter Egg hunt! Here are some pictures of the children on Saturday! Andrew was a bit warm in the carrier, but Paw-Paw and GiGi helped me take care of him and of course the girls absolutely loved hunting for eggs and the candy found inside was a special treat! I told Ainsley that she couldn't have the gum and she promised she wouldn't "get choke on it." It was so funny to watch them run around looking for eggs! Olivia recieved a special egg and in exchange for turning it in recieved a snow globe with a bunny in it. You would have though she won a million dollars!!

The girls really had a good day Saturday because not only did they get to go to the Easter Egg hunt with the grandparents, but they also took all of us to the movies! We went to see HORTON HEARS A WHO and it was a great movie for the kids! Ainsley was ready to go before it was over, but all in all she did pretty good for her age! Even Andrew watched the movie for about an hour before he had to be taken out by Paw Paw... We survived the fun for the day and then of course after church today the girls went with their Mimi for the afternoon. Olivia helped me clean her room this evening and she said, "Mama, I'm sorry I left my room so dirty and messy." She really is a precious little girl! Ainsley and I were watching a Baby Einstein movie that was left on from earlier and she pointed and said, "look, a mama crab and a baby crab!" Wow, she really is just a verbal little girl! She talks all the time, and mostly to her sister! She tells me she loves me "very much" and of course speaks about all kinds of things and asks a ton of questions! She loves to sing the ABC song and loves to cuddle.. I am so very lucky!

Okay, well, Chris should be back from the store here shortly... Let me get those pictures on here and get the girls to bed!!
Love to all the family!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Olivia & Ainsley Goodrich with their Easter Bows!


Okay, I gave up faster than I should have when trying to get a good picture of the girls before church last weekend. We took the girls to get their Easter pictures with their brother and of course they had to wear their bows that went with their Easter dresses so there they were in our extreme dash to make it out the door, both girls stopped for me to take a quick picture. Bless Ainsley's heart, she is just not that into pictures yet and so therefore, Olivia was pretty as a picture and Ainsley had her mouth open and was more interested in her surroundings than to take one second to look at the camera in her mommy's hand! Our Easter pictures are ready (Neicase Photography takes the best pictures of my children!) and I can not wait to go get them! They even took a picture of the family with the bunnies!! I think I felt like a little girl with all those bunnies on my lap!!!
Chris and I are going to close on our property tomorrow!!!! Yep, we will be joint land owners with our hopes and dreams in building a big house to fill with our family and enjoy many, many years together! Of course, that is if we don't kill each other first! Building a house seems so daunting and tedious to me at this time.. hopefully I will get more things under my belt that I want to do and stop freting the small stuff. I tend to worry and of course I get it honestly from my Granny. She always had a pot of something cooking on her stove and a worry in her heart. I imagine I will continue to be the same way and it is not like I have the ability to shake it. Thank goodness for a mama that has a backbone and has always given me a place to lean. Of course, Chris (my darling husband) isn't too shabby either! He is so understanding, it is a wonder he doesn't give me an ear full sometimes about my stressing out all the time. I guess he just has known me long enough to know that would just worry me more!
Chris is in the living room holding Andrew as I type this. I need to go finish the washing and get clothes out for tomorrow. Another work week and another week to count down before April 15th! Six more weeks to go before the shackles are released! I feel so bad that Chris is working all the time. I guess I should stop feeling sorry for him and start thanking my lucky stars that he has a job to go to. The economy is in such shambles it seems and everything is so slow. I am so lucky to have a job to go to and a sweet girl to watch the children when I go. I can't help but feel over whelmed. Who wouldn't in my shoes? I have a 3 year-old, a 2 year-old and a 4 month-old... a husband that is not home hardly and every time I turn around something else has to be done! I once again will thank God for that something else to be done because I am so in love with my family! I am one lucky, never have enough time girl!

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Andrew is growing like a weed!


Andrew went to the doctor Friday and he was 16 lbs. 8 oz. He is 26 1/2 inches long and is a healthy baby boy! He can roll over from front to back, and can roll onto his side from his back, but has not fully made it all the way over!

The girls are staying with their Mimi and Grandpa tonight and Chris, Andrew and I are going to the book store to look at house plans... I even got to work on my bows some for the Silver Basket! I hope I can find time to sew this evening.. we will see!

I will post the girl's stats later tonight... Of course, both girls are growing so fast as well. Ainsley is practically speaking in full sentences with as much sense as Olivia... sometimes she makes up words, but it sounds perfectly fine to her! Both the girls tell us how much they love us every time we turn around... it really warms my heart!!

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