The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Andrew at 7 months!

Andrew & Olivia
I was a bit concerned that Andrew is still not sitting up very well, but the doctor told me not to be concerned because of how big he is. He is growing well and there is no problem as far as he is concerned. Andrew is an active baby, reaching out and playing with his toys. He loves to hold his pacifer and he gets upset if he wears clothes that cover his feet because he loves to suck on his toes! Andrew is a happy baby and thrives on being held. Chris and I take turns in order to get things done. I really don't mind his neediness because he will only be a baby for such a short time. I realized this morning I can barely fit him in 6 month clothes (the snaps come undone) and sadly realize that 9-12 month clothes have to do. I am thankful that I have this coming week to get organized. I am going to go through all the baby clothes and get things in order!
Anyway, Andrew will be sitting up soon enough and before long walking. I think that this is going to be a wonderful summer. I enjoyed my first day today realizing I have eight weeks off work and I will enjoy each and every day with my precious children!

Did I say Andrew liked to be held? I think I must go get him now!!!
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Ainsley exactly 2 1/2 years-old

What a darling little girl I have! So busy! Sometimes I crave the energy she expells!
Ainsley continues to dislike looking at the camera. That really doesn't bother me like it used to because I realize that she gives me the candids that really make for a sweet picture. Ainsley is such a cuddle bug! She loves to get into everything though! Boy, I sometimes wish we didn't have make up in this house! (Well, I guess I truly need it, but the girls do not!) Ainsley has a way of finding it and putting it every where!!!! She decided to use the carpet for a tissue! Let's just say, thank goodness for degreaser! Chris has used a whole can of that stuff on spots where Ainsley has managed to find and spread lipstick and lip gloss every where!!! Okay, Okay, I know... I should be watching them.. but honestly, it is when you least expect it!!! Honest!!!
(Olivia never did this!!!!!)
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Olivia's Butterfly cake!

Olivia decorated this cake all by herself! She was very proud of herself!!! The butterfly theme couldn't have been a better theme for her to pick, as she has grown wings! This child of mine is absolutely precious! I hope that her creative side continues to bloom. I will be reading with her this summer, as she has shown great progress in that area as well. My daughter makes my heart swell!
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PawPaw's catapillar!

Andrew did not know what to think of PawPaw's moustache! He was so taken by it, that in fact I thought Andrew would try to grab it off of his face!!! Andrew loved being with PawPaw and loved to look and feel at his facial hair... It was adorable!
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Celebrating the "Ainsley" way!

Ainsley dressed up for Olivia's party and boy did she try to rival the belle of the ball! She was so cute in her dress-up clothes!
Ainsley did great with handling the party and was singing "Happy Birthday To You" to Livi the night before and all of the day of her birthday.
At the end of the party, Mimi asked if she could give a gift to Ainsley too, and of course we can't deny a grandmother!
Ainsley took the present and said in the sweetest voice, "thank you! thank you!" and was so excited to receive a gift too.
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Olivia is 4-years-old!

This little girl is the sweetest, most thoughtful child! And guess what?! She is 4-years-old! Wednesday we had the grandparents over to celebrate "family style" our first born's birthday! Olivia really was a princess and acted the part the whole evening! We celebrated with cake (she decorated!!) and pizza and the opening of gifts. She received arts and crafts from her mimi and grandpa and GiGi and pawpaw gave her a dress-up gown and a barbi. Mama and daddy gave books and Uncle Geoff and Aunt Lindsay gave Olivia clothes and lace-up boards ( boy are they a prized possession!)
Olivia's party will be at the fountain on the 31st. She is really looking forward to playing in the water with her ballerina friends!!
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Sunday, May 18, 2008



Although Olivia did fantastic, she is more hesitant than Ainsley. I certainly enjoyed watching them have fun!!!!
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This picture was taken right before her underwater walk.... pushing the limits of her 34 inches!!!
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Swimming Lessons!!!!


Thursday Night, May 15, 2008.

Olivia & Ainsley began swim lessons at the local YMCA. They took for an hour and boy did they have fun! I enjoyed watching from the sidelines as any good mother should!! (haha) I have new nicknames for the girls. Fearful & Fearless... Fearless had to be rescued during swim lessons for walking down the steps and going straight to the bottom! (I saw and screamed, but everyone else seemed to not be worried... I decided that Thursdays are for watching swim lessons, not working out!!!) I would rather stay and bring two children home instead of just one!
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GrandPapa's visit


Grandpapa came into town for a couple of nights to see our family. It was such a nice visit and the children absolutely loved their time with him!
We ended up going to the swimming pool and enjoyed a bit of time there. We ended up getting a baby sitter for the children so that Chris, myself and papa could go out to eat and talk. We really had a great visit. He had to leave on Mother's Day morning and that is when this picture was taken. The children wanted to go with him when he was leaving!!!!

We are looking forward to the time he comes back in a couple of weeks~~~~ can't wait!
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Mother's Day


I woke up early this morning and realized that I haven't updated my blog in a couple of weeks. It is surely okay since work has been predominately my focus as of late. But the thought of something that happened last night made me smile. Olivia wanted an orange out of the fridge and she requested me to cut it up. As I was going through the process Olivia said out of no where, "Your the best mama." It was not like, I am getting an orange and thank you for this, but it was her looking at me in my eyes and telling me this which just was the sweetest thing. Of course with working full time I am not feeling as if I am the best mama... but if she thinks so, then I am accomplishing something!!
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