The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Olivia, Ainsley & Andrew


Okay! All three Goodrich children together!! As Andrew gets older, it does get easier to take their picture together! I know this is not the perfect picture of Ainsley, bless her heart, she just can't sit still in her little 2-year-old body!! She loves her baby brother and is such a character. During our trip yesterday to Spanish Fort both girls were in rare form! They both planned on spending the night with their grandmother before we even got dressed. Olivia packed her game, her PJ bottoms, Ainsley's pacifer, and about 8-9 pair of panties... (??) We all laughed at this once we got to Mimi's house and was going through her bag. We might not know what is important to pack, but apparently Olivia is a girl with a plan! She even wanted to take her alarm clock, "so I know what the time is at home". Imagine that! We did talk her out of the clock, but her bag was toted around and Ainsley followed hoping for a chance to go through it before we left. (Olivia kept telling Ainsley to get her own bag!)

Our weekend consisted of a bunch of family time and discussions about our new house. Olivia begins most sentences with, "When we get a new house...." and Ainsley says, "and.. and.. and..." A LOT. She has so much to say! Andrew is beginning to coo and talk. Today as I loved on him and talked to him he laughed outloud... already! The doctor says he has great head control and at 14 lbs, 4 oz... is growing fast and filling out his long little body! I will say that he is now officially drinking about 4 oz of juice along with his normal breast milk diet... I can barely keep up with is caloric intake! Although the juice is purely for other issues... he is a bit spoiled though.. his juice has to be heated up!!!!! (what a stinker!)
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