The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Andrew at 3 1/2 months


It is absolutely amazing how fast my babies grow. I realized today that Andrew can really hold his head up well, coo and "talk" to me and his daddy, and wrap me around his little finger in less than one second flat! Although I felt horrible today with some cold symptoms, I told myself that I could always feel bad, but Andrew would only be little once and decided to do a quick photo shoot. Yes, I have professional pictures made, but something about getting him to smile and look at the camera for me makes my heart happy. I actually felt better afterwards and decided that at some point this week I will have to do the same thing for the girls.

This weekend I had to cut a chunk of hair from Ainsley due to her need to twist and twirl her hair. I have about decided that she will need to have a bob in order to get her to stop that horrible habit she has acquired. I just don't know what to do about it, so anyone have any ideas, please pass them along to me!

Today is my brother's birthday and although he is living in Sweden we had a nice web phone call today. Olivia and Ainsley spent the night with their GG and PawPaw and I attempted to get some things done, although nothing really accompished due to this cold I have.

Olivia and Ainsley both have expressed to me that they need new shoes and make-up from Target... I guess it really starts early, huh?

I hear the baby and with Chris working 7 days a week during Tax season, if I don't go get him, no one else will!

I look forward to all the neat things the children will do this week.. I will try to update soon!

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