The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Andrew's first birthday Party!!

Here were the decorations made by Olivia! And of course the first birthday cake!

Andrew digging into the cake I made him! He did better after Olivia helped him get interested by sticking her finger in the icing and then letting him get the icing off of her finger... what a sweet picture.. and a fun memory!
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Pumpkin Patch continued!

I could hardly take pictures because they wouldn't stay still!! They had so much fun running everywhere!
What a sweet picture of my beautiful daughter! I love to see my sweet girls with their precious bows!
The best of all three! The sun was in their eyes, but just ADORABLE!
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The pumpkin Patch!

Andrew loves to pull up and on pumpkins are no exception!! He had just as much fun as the girls touching the pumpkins and playing in the hay!
No bribery here! They were happy to be "mrs. pumpkin head" and "mrs. scarecrow"!
I think we found the perfect pumpkin!
Olivia helped us find the perfect pumpkin in the patch!
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After Church Oct 26th..

We had a great time Sunday at Church. It was time for the Halloween party,
and the girls got to do arts and crafts! The baby got to eat a lot of cookies, so
he was pretty happy too!
Of course after these pictures were taken we went to the Pumpkin Patch
to find the perfect pumpkin to carve....

Olivia and Ainsley are such sweet girls... and they are so good at church,
as well as everywhere we go!

Andrew is such a darling little boy.. I am so lucky to have my little man!

This has proven to be a very busy month... We have managed to go to
several birthday parties, hold a party (that makes me remember that I
need to put those pictures on here too!)

Okay.. I better get busy!

Oh, Doctor's appointment..... Olivia is 39 lbs, Ainsley is 34 lbs, and Andrew
is 23 lbs.... all three healthy and growing like little weeds!
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Wales West Continued...

Here are the girls decorating their baby pumpkins... There were so many choices, (and so much glue, sigh!) that the girls had a blast and didn't want to leave!
Olivia before she got to blow the steam whistle... now, that was really loud!
Ainsley wasn't shy either! They were so impressed that they got to go into the engine compartment to blow the whistle!
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Wales West Railway Adventure

The family ventured to ride a real steam locomotive all the way in Silverhill... Yep, that's right folks. Right in our backyard you can find one! It was a great time and the children loved it! We rode the railway, played in the play ground, went to the pumpkin patch to let the children pick out their baby pumpkins to decorate...
Andrew found the perfect one and wanted to suck on the stem. He was such a trooper and loved the train ride!
Ainsley found her pumpkin and was read to decorate... She dressed up in her Ariel costume for the trip.. it was so much fun!
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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Working on Halloween cookies this Week!

GG stopped in to help paint our cookies!
Andrew got all excited about the spiders and cob web!
Here we are decorating... and we are unsure where a couple of the cookies disappeared to! umm...

Olivia and I love to cook together... we baked cookies and planned on decorating them and that is just what we did! It was nice to have the extra help when GG came to visit! Unfortunately, I have hurt my shoulder so I needed the extra set of hands! Chris contained Andrew during our fun!

We just can't wait till Halloween! Both girls do not want to do haunted houses (darn!) but we are going to have so much fun this year! We have decorated the outside and the inside of the house.... we have to get busy finding out what mama can dress up like!!! Umm... I sure would like to go as "mama" but the girls want me to be "something".... ummm.....

Any help out there?
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Art Work

Here are the girls working on their Art work and Andrew under the table... pretty typical!!!
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GG & Andrew

GG & Andrew

Andrew loves his grandmothers! GG came over and Andrew just screams with excitement!

Andrew will crawl up to my mom and begin to paw at the floor and bow his head... It is the cutest thing. He does this when he wants her to pick him up!
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