The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

August 16, 2008- Andrew Crawls (2 days before 10-months!

Andrew has been "doing the worm", but has begun to crawl today! He can move quickly from point A to point B... he is FAST! I got a video of this, but I am not sure how to post it on here! If anyone reads this and can help me post a video... hey, I need all the help I can get!

Today I also had his 9-month pictures made... I was able to get a picture of him in the Christening gown GG and I made... so, hopefully I can post that soon!

Love to all!
My children are growing way to quickly! BUT yes, you are correct, if you are observant to see... Andrew STILL has NO teeth!
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Andrew's First day of Day Care!

Putting Andrew in the van at 6:30am... I don't know if he had a clue what was going on!! We survived and he has had a great week!
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First Day of School August 2008

Olivia and Ainsley were excited about their first day of school Monday, August 11th, 2008. Both girls woke up in such a great mood and both were excited about being with their new teachers! Olivia is in Pre-K4 and Ainsley is in Pre-K2. Both girls had matching backpacks and lunch boxes and were so very excited to wear them from the van to the doorway of the new school! Although the weather didn't permit them to play on the playground the first three days this week, they finally reported their excitement to have done so both Thursday and Friday! I was so excited to leave two happy little girls instead of two crying little girls! Olivia was proud to report that she impressed her teacher with spelling and writing her name! Now when strangers ask her name, she spells it to them! (little show-off!) Ainsley was a bit apprehensive with going to school and each day she told me she missed us, but I think that being with other little children her age will do her well in the long run. I am still wanting to stay home, but I think we can only do what we can do in this day and age...
Our schedule is crazy in the mornings!! Chris gets the girls fed and ready while I get myself ready, nurse the baby, get him dressed and then we are in the van by 6:30am! It is a crazy morning, but they are adjusting well. I am only concerned about them at this point!
Andrew did well his first day at daycare as well! He is in a classroom with a teacher and two other children.... He is happy and doing great too! I am very pleased with his adjustment to a new setting, as he has been home the first 9 1/2 months of his life!

I survived school too! My first week has already passed and I can say that although the 2-hours in the car each day is exhausting, I am surviving and excited about what I am teaching this year! I got my new certification and can teach 6th-12th grade regular English... Although I will never be allowed to escape Special Education classes, I am excited about teaching Employment English. At least I stay so busy that I am always busy at work. It does make the day go by faster so I can get to my children. I am so lucky to be with them when I am!
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Daddy & "Queen" Ainsley

Olivia is the princess and so Ainsley decided it is best to be "queen". And so it shall be! Daddy and Ainsley relaxing on the couch. Ainsley loves to play dress-up and frequently does so. It must be the thing to do when you are 2-years-old! We love to watch Ainsley and listen to her talk. She is a hoot! Dressing up, playing with any type of animal (especially her Ginny) and chocolate milk--- those are all loved dearly by our sweet queen!
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Andrew loves to use his knees!

Andrew loves to sit this way all the time! Tonight he sat like this for the longest time playing with his toys! He is such a happy baby!! It is hard to believe how much he has grown!
Andrew is repeating sounds and says mama, dada, and baba. He is such a great baby boy!!!

Mimi got to keep him and the girls today. It seems that he may be getting a bit of a cold. I hope that he gets to feeling better! Olivia is still getting over her cold from last weekend! Boy, what are we going to do with sick children when I go back to work!!?? I hope we can stay well!!!!
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Andrew Pulling up at 9 months!

Andrew has officially begun pulling up! It is amazing how he went from doing practically nothing to sitting up and now pulling up!! (still not a tooth in sight though!)
Andrew's fans' (his older sisters) really want him walking! I don't know if he will be doing this before he is one, but it really could happen!

Lately he has been showing off his talent of signing (for nursing and mama)! I am so proud of him!! I have to admit that today was a difficult day to return to work full-time. I am not happy with leaving my three AMAZING children, but I know we will survive. (right??!!)
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