The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Andrew is doing the "worm", we still have NO TEETH and we caught him attempting to pull up tonight.. I barely got it with the camera... so things are happening, but slowly! We have reached that age where I don't know what to feed him because he is sick of baby food, but he chokes on cherrios... you know, that stage.. yuck! He likes to spit food out, he shakes his head when he is done, or he just puts his head down on his tray. But, over all, a very easy baby!!! He is spoiled though! Boy, oh Boy... is he spoiled! But that is okay, because not only does his mama spoil him, his older sisters do too!
Olivia is looking forward to going to school in two weeks, Ainsley doesn't want to go to school because she is "scared", but I figure that she will be okay once she sees how much fun she will have! I am hoping it will be fun for them. I am not looking forward to going back to work but for selfish reasons,, that whole getting up at 5ish will just about do me in!!! (Chris says I will be a grouch once again, but I tell him I will just have to go back to going to bed at 8pm!)
I am doing well, but had to have an epidural two weeks ago for my back. once again I have had a set back with my attempt to loose weight.. which HAS TO HAPPEN soon. I guess I am happy, but I hate being this heavy... I still blame my thyroid!!!
(of course having three children in 4 years hasn't helped matters!!)
Ainsley and Olivia play really well together! Olivia can spell and write her name and loves to ask how to spell words... she still skips number 14 when counting and when I correct her, she corrects me.. so I guess she will be like her mama when it comes to math! Olivia says she wants to be an artist when she grows up and she tells me that drawing, coloring and painting is hard work and takes time. Ainsley is a mama's girl and so witty! She is really quick thinking and funny most of the time. She keeps me in stitches most of the time!
Andrew is 20 lbs, 4 oz and is 29 1/2 inches long at his 9-month well baby check up. He is growing well... and such a happy baby... our family is blessed.

The Goodrich Children!

Ainsley, Andrew and Olivia just hanging out in the girl's room! We have had such a great summer together! The children have been so happy and so much fun!
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Olivia & cousin Leslie

Here is Olivia and her cousin at the baptism! (Also note her shortened hair!) Olivia loves her cousin and enjoys playing with him at their mimi's house!
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Ainsley & Olivia

Summer 2008- Before Church and so cute! This picture was taken a couple of days before Olivia's little friend down the street gave her a haircut.. yeah, well, so long long beautiful blonde hair.. okay, so not the blonde part, but I was so upset over the "loss" of hair... oh well, I guess it will grown back over time....
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Andrew's Bath Time Fun!

Andrew loves to take a bath in the kitchen sink! Posted by Picasa

Andrew's Baptism

Andrew was baptised on July 20th... I can't believe we got this picture.. it is the best one I found on my camera!! At least you can see Andrew, Olivia and Ainsley's face some what!!!

I have had a difficult time finding time to update everyone on our family lately. I know being home I should have tons of time, but really~ time has flown this summer!!!

I worked on Andrew's gown with GG and got that accomplished! I am very proud that Andrew wore a gown that I had a hand in creating. I really feel that it went well and he did great.... well, all except the first 15 minutes.. it was like he KNEW we were putting him in a dress!! But he settled down and it went well. I think the girls did well, and Andrew was an angel. I am so proud to be a mama to these children!!!

God bless you and yours~
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