The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My first newborn shoot....

My pictures are so much better now.... I have been creating portraits.... I have fallen in love with my camera all over again..... learning and growing and beginning to take pictures professionally..... I am so blessed that I have such a great family that is supportive.  Through the lens my eyes follow my subject looking for the best light, best frame.  I am so lucky to be given this opportunity to stay home with my children and learn to appreciate what has once been just a hobby....I have created something much more.  My goal is to only improve.... I want you to know that my heart is going into my work.... 100%.  I was not going to go into the business end of photography, but my situation has changed and has forced me to look for viable income to supplement our needs.  I want to send my son to preschool so he can get the services he needs to become school ready.  I want to provide my oldest daughter with guitar lessons and my middle daugther with dance lessons.  I feel confident that I can give a client what they want.  So therefore, I am opening shop.... call me.  Let me help you create a work of art... I can not do it without you.. :)
Here is my first newborn photography..... I am portfollio building.... so I am cheap... :)  but my work speaks for itself..... if you want to give a gift to a friend... give them a gift certificate to have a newborn sitting.  I promise you it will be their favorite gift :)
Consider "liking" me on facebook to follow me and my work.  Larissa Goodrich Photography on Facebook!