The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Andrew is doing great!

The seizure scare is over!!! Here is a picture I snapped of him in the ER... what the heck? I am generally always camera ready, right?!! He had a seizure that lasted about 5 minutes. It was due to a rapid rise in temperature and although there is a chance he could have another one, there is also the chance that this can never happen again! He will outgrow the chance by age 5, so at least there is a short window of opportunity. He is a precious baby and this just made up my decision to do everything possible to stay home with him as soon as I can. I just think that somethings are just not worth the time away from my children and if Chris and I can swing it, I am going to do everything I can to give me atleast a year with my two younger children. Chris is doing great with his new job too, so we will see what the future holds for us! Life is so exciting sometimes!!!! I am so lucky to be a part of such a loving family! Don't get me wrong, I give Chris hell A LOT, but he is such a good husband and father. We are so lucky to have a strong family!!!!

Andrew turned 2 on October 18th, but was pretty sick that day so we postponed his birthday until the following weekend to do something extra special. We went to the zoo in New Orleans for the day... and it was such a lovely day.... Olivia and Chris are pictured here, but Ainsley was just not interested in being photographed that day!

The family is doing well, as you can see! The children are really growing up too fast and they are all just so funny with their little personalities shining through.... I am blessed beyond belief.