The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Battleship Park.... what fun!

We came to the park to meet up with several mama's and their babies......

We watched children laugh, scream, play and.......

fight... but only a little bit!

What did we learn from our day? That our children are so much fun to see new things with, or is it that we see things as "new" in our children's eyes? They had such a wonderful time... and best of all... we were together.
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The Battleship Park (number 2)

Andrew's beautiful face...
Feeding the birds was so much fun....
Thank Goodness for crackers on hand... we had so much fun!
Olivia in "concentration mode"... what a sweet baby girl....
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dress up!

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Loving Each Other is SO MUCH FUN!

Andrew and Olivia giving each other a "kiss".... I love to see Andrew give kisses to his big sister!
Olivia and Mama taking a picture while playing around....
Ainsley and Mama taking a picture too!!!!! She just said, "I want you mama!"
Andrew giving Olivia a bear hug... I have to admit I love Andrew's hugs because he gives it all he's got when he is loving on me!

I enjoyed playing in their room and watching them play together... now, if only I knew the secret to getting them go to bed happy!!!!
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