The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Goodrich Christmas '08

Olivia, Ainsley & Andrew

Olivia, Ainsley & Andrew

Ainsley & Olivia

Hello Everyone! I am so sorry for the break in my reporting and sharing of our Goodrich News, but unfortunately due to sickness (the men in the family need some vitamins!) with Chris and Andrew, we have managed to just well, manage! We enjoyed our Christmas as best we could with the small inconvenience of a short hospital stay Christmas Eve and Christmas day (Andrew) and an ER visit christmas night (Chris). Thank goodness we had family to rely on during these times because we sure used what resources were offered! The girls had a fantastic time and received everything they could have possibly wanted during this season. Toys are everywhere in our house and boy, do I mean every where! The children all celebrated with playthings and candy.... we even found time in the middle of our crazy time to feed the Reindeer their "magical food" and leave cookies out for Santa... We are blessed that even though Andrew has had 5 ear infections, phnemonia, a virus and colds in the last 9 weeks, we may see an end to all of this illness with tubes being placed in his ears this coming week. A short surgery later, and quite possibly a healthier year ahead!
Chris and I rang in the new year without the children... yes, I know, I am shocked as you are! We left ALL THREE with their GG and we went to a wonderful dinner with 5 other couples and then over to a friend's house to play games. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of celebrating our first evening out without ALL THREE (I am still quite in disbelief!) but I think my friend did... At least there is some crazy picture of me on the internet somewhere~~
Oh, Chris did surprise me on our Anniversary with a gorgeous anniversary band~~~ Too pretty for words, and I am tickled to say I had it fitted and will wear it often! It really is just beautifiul... so difficult to believe that we have been married for five years. And three children later... boy, we have been so very busy!!!!! Just look above to see how adorable our three children are~ I can only hope that when you look at them you will see what special children they are! Yes, they get loud, giggling, laughing playing and even occassionally whiny... but they are music to my ears... As I write this I hear their daddy playing with them in the living room. They are yelping and cackling like hyinas! I am getting ansy to get to them myself! I just only found a minute to update the blog!
Ainsley= She tried to sell shoes at Belks... put her shoes on the shelf and refused to put them back on and leave because she wanted to sell her shoes to get money to "buy something".
Olivia= Told me that I couldn't keep her small and that when she got big she could buy some Hannah Montana PJs. (no, I can not keep you small Olivia, but boy do I want to!!!) Just today she did "real" dishes and put them in the dishwasher for me. She also helped me make chicken salad.. that child is so helpful!
Andrew= Can say bye bye and gives you tons of kisses... he is really smart, figuring out the remote, he signs "more" "milk" "eat" and says mama too... he is not walking yet, but does stand up on his own and cruises still... I think the doctor thinks that as soon as he gets tubes he will walk. Let's hope! He is so heavy! (although has gone down from 26 lbs to 22 during his illness) He offically loves and can't live without chocolate milk-- He knows to go after Ainsley's cup because of that... and he sips Olivia's cup for Tea.... I really try to keep everyone healthy, but it is soooooo hard!!!!

Chris- surviving! Three children and a wife to take care of is demanding. Did I mention the cleaning involved in three children and a wife?!!!!

Larissa- Thankful....... wish I had more money to share with others... want to lose weight but can't find the time to workout.... and happy... crazy and happy..... thankful, crazy and happy...... yep... that's me!
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