The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

More pictures from Ainsley's Party

Ainsley's Birthday!!!!!

Opening presents!!!!!!!!! "Oh WOW!!!!"
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Ainsley's Birthday Party

Ainsley waiting by her cake to blow out the candles!

Ainsley blowing out her candles!!!
Ainsley "oh wowing" her gifts as she opened them up!!!!

Catching Olivia as she played with her friends too!!!!

Ainsley's Lady bug party was a success! Ainsley felt special and I had so much fun getting ready for it and doing something special for my baby girl! My friend Stephanie made the cake for me (oh my goodness, not only cute; tasted great!!!) and I made special labels for the candy bars and mini candy bars and I even decorated the water bottles with Lady bug labels!!! Boy, Ainsley was all "lady bugged" out! She wore her lady bug dress and when she went to put it on she said she was "BEE-YOU-TIFUL" (seriously, this is how she said it!) She loved all of her gifts and as I write this she is in the living room with Chris taking things out of boxes and saying, "This is mine, but you can play with it." to Olivia. (bless her heart!) Andrew just wants the boxes..... Ainsley received a lot of really nice gifts. She loved everything and not really sure if she has a favorite yet. I know she loves her baby doll and bottles, her doggy that has the vet stuff and her skates (thanks Aunt 'Letha). I do believe I hear her coming down the hall in them now!! I guess we will be going to the skating rink soon... ummmm..... Am I really a mother of two children out of diapers and a toddler boy?? no way, not me! (they grow way to fast for me..... ) Well, I guess I need to go join the family in the living room to play with all the neat toys.. and I know what movies we will be watching on family movie night... Barbi, KungFu Panda, etc..... get the pop corn popped!!!!

Love to all that came and whom did not get to attend.. we really DID have a great time!!


Ainsley's 3rd Birthday!

Ainsley on the way to her party after she talked with GG!!

The Lady Bug cake and some of her favors!

She had so much fun at Kid City!!!!!

Daddy and Grandpa holding the birthday girl up!
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