The Goodrich Children

The Goodrich Children
Christmas 2010

My family!

My family!
Olivia, Ainsley, Ella Kate Chris and Andrew!

Friday, September 28, 2007

So now I am officially under the three week mark!

Oh goodness! The clock may always be 5:00 in Margaritaville, but here in my sweet Goodrich abode, it is continually spinning out of control! (the clock, the kids, me... "it" could be anything!)

I tell you that as I write this the girls are in the bathtub, Chris is vacuuming (thank goodness for a wonderful husband!) and I am exhausted from just another day of pregnancy... Last night was brutile! For some reason the baby did not want to cooperate and comfort was not an option. He doesn't move much, and that isn't the deal... it's just the heaviness of him in my abdomen as I try to lay on my side... I get up around 3-4 times a night now.. and as we all know, God's way of getting us used to the whole no sleep routine, but give me a break... a trickle here, a trickle there.. it's just not fair!!!!! And why is it that everytime I DO get to go somewhere that I have to use the public restroom with a 22-month-old and a 3 year old??? THAT IS JUST NOT FAIR either!!! Okay.. so I am complaining now.. I guess it will be really tricky with an 8 month old... a 2 year old and a 4 year old... ummm... I might rethink the whole going out in public with three kids.. oh.. that is for me to worry about later!! I am ready to finish up all the things I have going on before Andrew gets here.. I am really getting excited and I am really happy that today is Friday and Chris will be home for 2 days to help me out. It is getting more and more difficult to manuver the girls (mostly Ainsley) during the day. Olivia is such a big help, but sometimes too much help... meaning that Ainsley doesn't want a second mommy at times... oh well.. What do I do when she chases after Ainsley and yells, "Come here little baby!!!!" Really cute.. really! I need to get off of here so I can help Chris finish getting the kids ready for bed... I want to get something done tonight... Earlier I baked my cake and made my cookie dough for the baby shower... Tomorrow I will decorate cookies and the cake in order to be ready for the shower I am hosting Sunday... I am really excited to have that behind me, yet it has been so much fun to plan!!! I will have to post pictures!! Goodnight!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

And the count down to baby 3 is under way...

Oh my... Oh Goodness...

Time is slipping away so very fast! I have the nursery done (okay, not the quilt, but when will little Christopher Andrew need it??? I have a little time after he is born!) Today is Thursday Sept. 27th and exactly three weeks from now (at this time!!!) we will have a son! He will be the proud new addition to the Goodrich family!! We are so excited about having a boy!! Olivia is excited to have a brother and Ainsley just rubs my belly and says "baby!" I think that Andrew will have not one mommy, but three when it is all said and done! My girls are so excited about having a brother. I can only hope that excitement stays after his arrival... only time will tell!!

Okay... today I have made a travel wipe case covered with the material from the diaper bag my friend Stephanie made me. It turned out so cute!! (I saw one in a high-end maternity shop selling for (get this) $30.00!-- I made mine for less than 2.00--I had everything!)
I also made a covered button to make a pacifier clip.... and I finally figured out how I want to make my nursing cover.. which will hopefully be completed tomorrow... I want to take it to the hospital so I can actually nurse and visit at the same time.. I will have to figure out how to post pictures and let all see my creation!! I am really curious why I am so crafty lately.. or if my creative side has always been there, just not allowed to escape since working full-time with kids.... and before kids, school. I think I have always been busy with something... these last four months at home with my kids has been a blessing in so many ways... I do miss my friends at work, I miss the 30 minutes in the car to/from work listening to regular music... (I know all the words to EVERY kid song out there.. if you don't believe me, bet me money.. I can spit them out in a heart beat!) and I miss seeing my friends at work. But.. this is huge.. I love being home at lunch to see my husband.. I love sleeping to 8am (okay, so I let my kids stay up a little late to accommodate my sleep needs!-- so what? They are only little once!!), I love being with my girls and playing dress up, doing arts and crafts, and just being mommy in the kitchen... Olivia is a little chef and Ainsley just loves to watch at the moment.. but some of my favorite times this past summer has been in the kitchen cooking. Olivia just asked me last night to "cook her some fruity pebbles" for a night-night snack.. God love her!
Ainsley is talking up a storm, except when she has that silly pacifier in her mouth (she got attached to it 3 weeks ago when she was really sick and now we have to remind her that we can't understand her if she has it in her mouth!!). She loves to point out airplanes and the moon and stars in the sky. She twirls on her tippy toes and throws her arms up and says, "high, high, in sky!" She is at a precious age. Oh, and whenever I put chapstick or lip stick on she says, "want some" and puckers her lips... and I give her a kiss... so our thing now is when I see her I can say, "want some" or "want some loving" and she puckers up and gives me a kiss. I LOVE it!
Olivia is not a snuggler with her mama, but goodness gracious... she loves her daddy and so much so that I am surprised she lets me do anything for her! Don't get me wrong, she loves her mama..but her daddy can get her to do things that I only wish I could!
Olivia is a great helper and is so very smart. She loves to do anything artistic and can cut with scissors, knows her letters and sounds, and can count well. She knows her shapes too and has a great imagination. She will be an artist like my Mother-in-Law... I try to keep some of her work because she colors by mixing colors.. it is something I have never seen before... and she loves to create... I am so blessed with my girls!

Oh, Olivia takes dance once a week and I have to admit that Ainsley is so upset that she can't dance yet... but.. in January I will have two dancing.. so for now, Ainsley has to resort to taking Olivia's tap shoes and walking around each Tuesday night.... I think Ainsley will love dance.. I can't wait.. well, yes I can.... I will have two in dance at different times with a 3 month old... DURING TAX SEASON.....umm... better call GG for help!! haha...

I hope this is a good introduction to my kids for my first post... I will have to introduce and post pictures of my husband and myself next time... it is late and I have to go to the bathroom AGAIN!! Thank goodness that will be over in three weeks! I won't miss the every hour bathroom break!!

I don't want to rush things though.. I am so enjoying my girls.. and being home. January will be here before I know it and life as I now know it will be gone.... Oh, I am so blessed to have been able to be with my girls.. I love them so much.. and my husband is so great to support me with being home.. What a happy family we are!! Great husband, Great kids, Great 3rd pregnancy, And God is Great to us... we are soooooooo blessed!!!!!!